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Photo replaced on 28 Sep 2018
2 441 visits

Returnee Offer (Click onto the green picture to enlarge it.)

Returnee Offer (Click onto the green picture to enlarge it.)
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FR . . . Offre de retour (Cliquez sur l'image verte pour l'agrandir.) Leerfeld DE . . . Rückkehrer-Angebot (Zum Vergrößern auf das grüne Bild klicken!)

Since ipernity is technically up to date again, ima offers all free users to upgrade their account to a full Club account at half price by [Sept. 30] Oct. 15, 2018

● This offer is aimed at registered free users and former Club members who would like to return to ipernity after its successful turnaround now.
● Admitted are all users whose accounts had the status "free member" before 01.06.2018.
● All admitted users are invited to purchase an annual Club membership for the price of a 6-month membership*).
● The membership may be purchased via the normal renewal procedure as a 6-months membership.
● Send a screenshot of your renewal to ima.office@gmx.at
● After receipt of the screenshot ima will activate the affected account for additional 6 months.
This offer ends on [Sept. 30] Oct.15, 2018 at midnight.

Your benefits:
+ Annual Club membership at half price (limited to this offer).
+ Full voting rights at the General Assembly next year.
+ Full re-visibility of all your previously invisible content (>200 entries)**).

Benefits of the community:
+ Enrichment of groups by additional visible content.
+ Additional contribution margins for running costs and further development of this website.
+ Reduction of fixed costs for storage of useless content (invisible for all parties involved).

*) CAD 33,50 / CHF 26,50 / EUR 22,95 / GBP 20,95 / USD 27,50

**) All invisible/hidden content (>200) of free accounts not upgraded will be deleted from the ipernity data base after 1st of October 2018. Free content up to 200 photos or other documents will still remain on the data base as it does now.

Nora Caracci, Peggy C, , Bergfex have particularly liked this photo

21 comments - The latest ones
 Returnee Offer
Returnee Offer
As someone asked, how it works in detail:

1) Move your mouse over your name in the top right corner of your account.
2) Within the field that opens, click onto "Your Account Settings" --> next page opens.
3) Click onto "Extend it Now?". next page opens.
4) Click onto "Extend your subscription" --> next page opens.
5) Click onto "6 Months".
6) Pay the membership fee for 6 months.
7) Take a screenshot.
8) Send the screenshot to ima.office@gmx.at
9) You will be credited another 6 months.

(Because of the holiday time this can take up to 2 weeks. But it is guaranteed!)

Best regards
Bernhard (ima)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
neira-Dan club
bonjour IMA
Est-ce que l'offre est valable si on veut offrir un abonnement , le renouveler, pour un membre décédé ?
6 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to neira-Dan club
Je vais vous répondre en privé, parce que je ne veux pas faire de déclaration officielle. J'ai également dû vérifier les conditions d'utilisation pour voir si le sujet du "patrimoine numérique" y est réglementé. (Il n'est pas réglementé.)

Si j'étais toi, j'irais tout de suite. Alors vous avez sécurisé le "patrimoine numérique" pour 12 mois à un prix attractif. Il ne sera pas moins cher avec un "mi-tarif", qui pourrait éventuellement exister l'année prochaine. (En outre, il serait inutile, parce que dans 3 mois tous les téléchargements inutiles (parce qu'invisibles) des comptes gratuits bien-aimés seront supprimés.

(Traduit avec www.deepl.com/Translator)
6 years ago.
neira-Dan club has replied to Bergfex club
Merci Bergfex pour ta réponse ; je vais faire ce qu'il faut
6 years ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
Interesting i only paid up for a year today and get this now, AFTER , still i am paid up and i keep this place going as was my one aim.................... {:o(
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Team club has replied to Steve Paxton club
Hi Steve!

Yes, I can see that in your subscription history. But there I also see that you are not a returnee, but a current club member. Just like about 1500 others who made the rescue of this website possible through their optimism, loyalty and club contributions. We thank you for that!

However, today's offer is not a "special offer"! So you haven't missed anything. Rather, it is expressly aimed at those who had distanced themselves somewhat during the uncertain months. We would also like to bring them back on board - for the benefit of the whole community.

It is also aimed at free users with high storage requirements who cost our community a lot of money. These users can decide within the next three months whether they want to keep their content and share some of the storage costs or not. With the money that will be made available from October by memory cleansing, we can tackle the upcoming future tasks for ipernity more quickly. And you will benefit from this too..

Bernhard (ima)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Steve Paxton club has replied to Team club
thanks i am glad you cleared it up , i am here to stay . i have already lost a home and a community in panoramio thanks to Google, why i am not there and never will be. i only can say keep up the good work we all get the benefit. all the very best from down under.
6 years ago.
Team club
Hi Steve!
Thank you for understanding! Such an attitude is exactly the one that brings us forward together and to which I appealed in my (for the time being) last commentary in the blog. Because what we are doing here - trying to run a website successfully as a self-governing community - is really unique. That's why it's worth it, isn't it?

6 years ago.
I will draw this to the attention of any of my contacts who are not club members. Thankfully any contacts I had who left for Flickr last year, all but two have since returned.
6 years ago.
 Colette NoËl
Colette NoËl
Bonjour, Ima ! J'aimerais m'abonner pour un an, mais j'avoue qu'une capture d'écran, je ne sais pas comment cela fonctionne ! J'espère aussi que je serai aidée pas à pas pour mon paiement et qu'il sera sécurisé ! Au plaisir de lire votre réponse ! Bonne journée et merci d'avance !
6 years ago.
 Colette NoËl
Colette NoËl
Je n'ai pas compris pour les 6 mois ! On paie un abonnement normal pour 6 mois et on bénéficie de 6 mois de plus pour faire un an ? Donc l'abonnement demi tarif, se ferait ainsi ?
6 years ago.
Returnee Offer has replied to Colette NoËl
Bonjour, Colette !
Peut-être que ça te semble un peu trop subtil si j'évite de dire oui. Parce que je ne veux pas utiliser le terme d'abonnement à moitié prix, enchère si le résultat est d'accord avec lui.
Si vous remplissez les conditions requises, vous pouvez souscrire un abonnement d'une demi-année et obtenir 6 mois supplémentaires gratuitement. Ce n'est donc pas une remise officielle, c'est un bonus.
Bernhard (ima)
6 years ago.
Colette NoËl has replied to Returnee Offer
Bonjour, Bernhard ! Je comprends tout à fait vos scrupules ! Je vas donc prendre un abonnement de six mois et je verrai bien ! Je vous remercie pour vos explications et vous souhaite une agréable journée !
6 years ago.
Loose_Grip/Pete club
Hi Bernhard,

As a free subscriber for some time I finally joined under your recent offer so now can see all my posts! This is good news. However when I emailed you a copy of my payment advice to take up the offer it could not be delivered. I received this:

"Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.

550: Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable"

Can you clarify please.


6 years ago.
Returnee Offer has replied to Loose_Grip/Pete club
Did you write the mail address correctly?
It works! I receive and send mails with it daily.
Bernhard (ima)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Thomas Arend aka Byggvir
Thomas Arend aka Byg…
This offer seems not to be honest. Why should I subscribe for a 6-month account and send a screen shot to an e-mail address?

For this purpose there is a promotion code field on the renewal page.

This "send a screen shot"-procedure is unnecessary.
6 years ago.
Returnee Offer has replied to Thomas Arend aka Byg…
Hi Tomas!

We organized it this way because the programming effort would have been disproportionately high compared to the expected bookings in order to map the selection criteria for participation in a software solution. Although manual processing is more time-consuming, it is free of charge on an honorary basis.

Anyway, the offerde process is easy and safe. A lot of people have already made use of it.

Bernhard (ima)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Thanks! Just renewed :)
6 years ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
very good initiative !
6 years ago.
 Rymie Jolie
Rymie Jolie
Dommge que je ne puisse rien faire !!!! Vous allez me manquer !!!!Après tant d'années de fidelité!
6 years ago.
Returnee Offer has replied to Rymie Jolie
Cher Rymie, qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par ton commentaire ? Je ne le comprends pas.
Bernhard (ima)
6 years ago.

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