Leslie Gulch

Eastern Oregon

My camping trip to Eastern Oregon and Washington states.

My Eastern Oregon Trip Route

28 Jun 2019 1 171
.... made in early June 2019 Yellow = Southbound route Blue = Northbound route Please have a look at my Album: www.ipernity.com/doc/2390042/album/1238806

Vineyards near the Columbia River

28 May 2019 141
Eastern Washington State

Columbia River at Vantage, Washington

Wildflowers along the Columbia River

Northern Oregon

28 Jun 2019 6 1 206
near Pendleton, OR

Northern Oregon

Owyhee Country

29 May 2019 1 190
Doing some back-road exploring. Its a beautiful area in early summer - check the map!

Owyhee Country

The Sagebrush Sea

30 May 2019 1 222
Most of southeast Oregon and northeast Nevada looks like this.

Wildflowers amoung the sage

30 May 2019 1 207
Nevada Onion

Diamond Craters

30 May 2019 1 150
An area where remnants of volcanic activity are still on the surface.

Storm clouds over Steens Mountain

Frenchglen, Oregon

30 May 2019 4 240
The hotel is now an Oregon State Historical Site. Check the map!

Steens Mountain

31 May 2019 1 1 248
In the Steens Mountain National Wilderness near the South Steens Campsite. The peak of Steens Mountain is almost 9000 ft. (2700m). In late summer you can drive to the top (on gravel roads). Check the map!

South Steens Grasslands

31 May 2019 291
Near the South Steens BLM camp in Steens Mountain Wilderness Area.

Balsomroot along the trail

01 Jun 2019 154
.... south Steens

Thunder storms over the Steens

Really old Juniper tree

77 items in total