Michael Ashwood's photos

Waxing Gibbous Moon 17.7.21

21 Jul 2021 1 4 52
Single frame, Nikon D810, with Sigma 150-600mm Sport with 1.4x telecoverter, f10 @1/125 iso100

Beach pony.

13 Jul 2021 8 10 116
Widemouth Bay, Cornwall,UK

Titterstone Old Quarry, Clee Hills, Shropshire, UK…

12 Jul 2021 1 4 55
4 images stitched together in Photoshop the converted to B/W. The domes are from the National Air Traffic Sevices Radar Station.

Sunset over the wheat fields

This way lads

08 Jul 2021 1 2 92
Memorial statue gardens of remembrance Bridgnorth, Shropshire, UK.


08 Jul 2021 1 1 55
Thing you do on a rainy day


04 Jul 2021 39
Still practicing macro photography

Breakwater sunset

Approaching storm

07 May 2021 3 1 44
N.A.T.S. Radar Station, Titterstone, Clee Hills, Shropshire,Uk

Colourful unset

Castle Terrace, and Stoneway Steps, Bridgnorth, Sh…

A little drop of rain they said.

1930 Ford Model A

Fiery Sky

Fly (sorry don’t know the species)

100 items in total

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