Fall Colors, Picture 2, Most Legii, Prague, CZ, 2007

Fall, 2007

Here's the second album of the series...

16 Apr 2008

523 visits

Fall Colors, Picture 2, Most Legii, Prague, CZ, 2007

I continued to take Fall foliage photos around Prague until the snows came, and I think that in total I probably took more in 2007 than in any other year. I shot this at the Most Legii just at random, when I noticed that I liked the colors and the light, and in the process I got a Tatra T3 tram into it. Unfortunately, the colors and the light didn't turn out as nicely as I had hoped, but I like this shot anyway.

16 Apr 2008

381 visits

Fall Colors, Picture 3, Strelecky Ostrov, Prague, CZ, 2007

There are a surprisingly large number of barges still on the River Vltava today, in spite of the river being primarily used by tourist boats of one sort or another. Composed with Strelecky Ostrov with full Fall colors in the background, I liked this shot enough to upload it.

16 Apr 2008

397 visits

Fall Foliage, Picture 3, Vrchlickeho Sady, Prague, CZ, 2007

One part of Prague that doesn't have the greatest reputation, but which nevertheless can lend itself to photography quite well, is the area around Hlavni Nadrazi, or "Sherwood Forest," as locals derisively call it for the alleged crime, of which I've seen very little. There are a lot of exceptionally repulsive bums around, but less so every year. In general the police have been trying to clean the place up in preparation for the opening of the newly-renovated Hlavni Nadrazi in a couple of years (I don't know the scheduled completion date).

16 Apr 2008

370 visits

Lock, River Sazava, Cercany, Bohemia (CZ), 2007

The colors in Cercany on this particular day were quite good, I thought, so I decided to take some pictures while I still could. I'm not aware of whether the lock in the foreground is actually for boats, or just to facilitate water power for the old mill here, but there it is.

16 Apr 2008

344 visits

Lock, Picture 2, River Sazava, Cercany, Bohemia (CZ), 2007

Here's another shot of the lock, or whatever it is, in Cercany.

16 Apr 2008

358 visits

Lock, River Sazava, Picture 3, Cercany, Bohemia (CZ), 2007

I like the composition of this shot the best, as well as the reflection in the Sazava.

16 Apr 2008

460 visits

River Sazava, Cercany, Bohemia(CZ), 2007

Getting the exposure correct on this shot was difficult, and post processing turned out to be even more so. Nevertheless, I decided that the result was fair enough to display on Flickr, since I plan to upload a lot of photos today.

16 Apr 2008

396 visits

Railway Speed Signs, Somewhere Near Cercany, Bohemia(CZ), 2007

I've forgotten exactly where I took this, but I really like how it came out. It's definitely one of my better motion shots, at least in my opinion. Those speeds, incidentally, are in Km/h, so we weren't actually going very fast. The shutter was just a bit slow.

02 May 2008

432 visits

Fall Colors On Kampa, Picture 3, Prague, CZ, 2007

Just as I was getting into my second-to-latest Josefuv Dul trip, I noticed that I had a roll of forgotten film!! Therefore, I'm going to digress today. Getting to this photo....Some people consider Kampa an island, in spite of it being linked to the Mala Strana by a fill as well as by the Most Legii, but whether one considers it an island, a peninsula, or just a park, it's an interesting out of the way place that still is part, in strict terms, of the centre, even if few tourists go there. This past fall I saw the opportunity to take Fall foliage photos there.
24 items in total