Road To Lipno, Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka, Bohemia(CZ), 2007


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Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka, or Sumava National Park, used to be a military area during the Cold War primarily intended, officially as a buffer zone of fortifications to stop an Austrian invasion, in spite of Austria's goo

Road To Lipno, Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka, Bohemia(C…

27 Oct 2007 312
I shot this on the road to Lipno, I think, which was to be the first stop on a trip that I took back in the Spring to Sumava with some of my friends. I really like the colors in this shot, although I don't know if those flowers were dandelions, buttercups, or something else. Sumava has several species of flower that are this shade of yellow.

Sunrise On Road To Lipno, Picture 2, Sumavsky Naro…

27 Oct 2007 1 332
I originally though that this was a sunset, but now given where it is on the roll, I'm pretty sure that it was a sunrise.

Lipno, Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka, Bohemia(CZ), 2007

27 Oct 2007 1 332
This is Lipno, a major reservior in Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka, or Sumava National Park.

Town Square, Horni Plana, Budejovicky Kraj, Bohemi…

27 Oct 2007 307
This is the town square of Horni Plana, another town where we stopped.

"Downtown" Nova Pec, Sumava, Bohemia(CZ), 2007

27 Oct 2007 299
This is "downtown" Nova Pec, although the Czechs wouldn't refer to it as a downtown, of course. Actually, I'm not sure if anyone else would, either, unless they knew how small this village is.

Ceramic Stove, Nova Pec, Sumava, Bohemia(CZ), 2007

27 Oct 2007 1 1 420
These ceramic stoves, usually fired by coal and used for heating more than cooking, aren't unique to Sumava and in fact can be found in various sizes all over the Czech Republic. They also aren't anything resembling new technology, as I've seen some from as far back as the Baroque period. Originally they were mainly for palaces and other very expensive buildings, sometimes reaching enormous sizes, but now the irony is that they're being made obsolete by central heating and/or the even more modern phenomenon of independent electric radiators in each room, so now they're as much associated with cottages in the countryside.

Nova Pec, Picture 2, Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka, Boh…

27 Oct 2007 255
Here's another example of the cottages that you can see in Sumava. The cottages of the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic actually had earlier origins, in the days of the Austrian Empire, but they took on far greater significance under Communism because they provided an essential benefit in a society where international travel was heavily restricted. They were generally thought of, however, as one of the few things that kept people lazy enough to not overthrow the regime, along with beer and Skodas, so although the Czechs still go to the countryside almost every weekend, and are far more likely than people in the west to have a second home, the dubious heritage of this system leaves many people with mixed emotions.

Hiking Signs, Nova Pec, Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka,…

27 Oct 2007 311
Nova Pec is surrounded by trails for hiking, and these are reasonably well marked. I went on several hikes while there.

Schwartzenberg Canal In Sumava, Bohemia(CZ), 2007

28 Oct 2007 1 1 281
I've been searching everywhere for info on this canal, and as far as I can ascertain it was mainly a logging canal.

Canal Lock On Schwartzenberg Canal In Sumava, Bohe…

28 Oct 2007 1 1 312
The Schwarzenberg Canal is of relatively small dimensions, but it is nevertheless a proper canal with locks like this one. I'm not sure of its current status, but it's still in good enough condition to appear maintained. Does anybody know if it's still used for anything?

Jawa Motorbike In Sumava, Bohemia(CZ), 2007

28 Oct 2007 1 1 312
Jawa motorbikes have been made in the Czech Republic since 1929, and the company is still active today. They're still especially common in the countryside, and some of them, like this one, are quite old (I don't know the exact year of this one, unfortunately), as they're especially high-quality, and can last for decades.

Sumava Hike, Picture 2, Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka

28 Oct 2007 1 1 260
I'm not sure why I took this photo, other than that it's hard to resist some hiking shots in the woods.

Sumava Hike, Picture 3, Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka,…

28 Oct 2007 196
Here's the third photo in my Sumava Hike series. I shot this off to one side of the trail.

Sumava Hike, Picture 5, Bohemia(CZ), 2007

28 Oct 2007 220
Here's an alternate to Picture 2.

Sumava Hike, Picture 6, Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka,…

28 Oct 2007 243
Here there was a stream back into the woods from a culvert that led to the canal.

Bunker??? (Sumava Hike Picture 7), Sumavsky Narodn…

28 Oct 2007 280
Even more interesting was this bunker on one of the curves in the Schwarzenberg Canal, or at least that's what it looked like. It had been filled with concrete by the time I took this, but given the (apparently) Russian markings on it, I'm almost certain that it dates to the days when it when Sumava was a military area, possibly as far back as World War II. Any further info on this would be really interesting.

Magnified Russian(?) Markings, Picture 2 (Sumava H…

28 Oct 2007 247
Here's a close up of the Russian, I think, lettering on the apparent bunker.

Sumava Hike, Picture 9, Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka,…

28 Oct 2007 200
Here's yet another shot from the trail. :-)

43 items in total