Dragon in Lanskroun, Bohemia (CZ), 2009

Music, Bands, etc.

905 visits

These are some of the handful of snapshots that I've been able to get at concerts over the years.

Wolf Down at Fluff Fest, Picture 4, Rokycany, Plze…

27 Jul 2013 156
This is not Avril. :-D

Wolf Down at Fluff Fest, Picture 4, Cropped Versio…

27 Jul 2013 127
The guy on the far left is hiding his face because he's wanted for listening to Nickelback.

Vitamin X at Fluff Fest, Rokycany, Plzensky kraj,…

27 Jul 2013 153
Supposedly Vitamin X have been around since the early 1990's, but they haven't settled down.

Vitamin X at Fluff Fest, Picture 2, Rokycany, Plze…

27 Jul 2013 111
Vitamin X had as much of the crowd as possible get on the stage and then rush the crowd, jumping into it. It makes a cool video, but mine isn't the best.

Enough at Fluff Fest, Rokycany, Plzensky kraj, Boh…

28 Jul 2013 130
I got to see Enough at Cafe na pul cesty back in 2012, and we talked at length. I got to see them at Fluff Fest this year, over the fence as I was pitching my tent, and randomly I met them on the way out. Much more surprisingly, they remembered me.

As We Were at Klub 007, Strahov, Prague, CZ, 2013

29 Jul 2013 147
This was the second As We Were show that I went to, at the After Fluff show at Klub 007. This was where I got to meet them.

As We Were at Klub 007, Picture 2, Strahov, Prague…

29 Jul 2013 142
This was my second good shot. Again, I was running into the limitations of the cameraphone.

Between Earth and Sky at Klub 007, Edited Version,…

29 Jul 2013 141
Between Earth and Sky claim to play only infrequently, being more social and political activists than a band. The frontman is Greg Bennick, perhaps best known for his charity work in Haiti. They're promoting a video of this show here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2R1-8afJws As an aside, if this photo looks exaggerated in its contrast, its because I did an extreme edit to compensate for my cameraphone overexposing Greg's face.

Double Crossed at Cafe na pul cesty, Pankrac, Prag…

04 Sep 2013 232
I don't remember much about this show, but I liked this cameraphone shot. Technically, it's bad, but bad cameraphone shots can look good when it's of a hardcore punk show.

Stab at Cafe na pul cesty, Pankrac, Prague, CZ, 20…

04 Sep 2013 202
I got to talk to these guys the previous day, as they had suddenly been invited to do a show off the bill and we had a conversation, leading to my showing up to see them.

Zen at Cafe na pul cesty, Pankrac, Prague, CZ, 201…

11 Sep 2013 241
Although Cafe na pul cesty is not officially a hardcore club, most of the bands that play there are. However, Žen, meaning "woman" in both Croatian and Czech (depending on the case), were a Croatian space rock band who fell outside this category. They were loud, but the style wasn't anything like hardcore. For much of the show, the guitarist was fiddling with the knobs on her pedals to sustain notes, feedback, and ambient noise for seconds or minutes at a time. The drummer managed to play keyboards at the same time as the drums, too, which is possible if you use the amount of sampling and sustain that this band did.

Zen at Cafe na pul cesty, Picture 2, Pankrac, Prag…

11 Sep 2013 220
Here the guitarist is closing the show on her pedals, having laid the guitar aside.

Worldhood at Cafe na pul cesty, Pankrac, Prague, C…

22 Sep 2013 234
I didn't know much about this band, other than that they were doing a double bill with an Israeli band called "Not On Tour." I figured that at least the second band name probably indicated something worth seeing, so I went to see both.

Not On Tour at Cafe na pul cesty, Pankrac, Prague,…

22 Sep 2013 217
Here are Not On Tour, a punk band from Tel Aviv. They play a lot better live than they do on their albums. Their Bandcamp site says of their latest album: "Boring album but at least it's pretty short."

Not On Tour at Cafe na pul cesty, Picture 2, Pankr…

22 Sep 2013 231
I got more good cameraphone shots than I usually do. Taking cameraphone shots at this venue is largely hit and miss. The lighting is fine for people to see the band, but the cameraphone has a lot of trouble with it and I have a lot of trouble gauging what is good lighting as opposed to bad.

Not On Tour at Cafe na pul cesty, Picture 3, Pankr…

22 Sep 2013 236
Here's another cameraphone shot.

Not On Tour at Cafe na pul cesty, Picture 4, Pankr…

22 Sep 2013 353
And here's yet another cameraphone shot.

Gattaca at Cafe na pul Cesty, Pankrac, Prague, CZ,…

20 Oct 2013 398
This was part of a triple bill that included Cacory, Gattaca, and Landverraad. This was Gattaca.

70 items in total