L. L. Wall's photos

Bright Gears (and a history lesson)

30 Mar 2021 14 9 364
Gambrill Mill, Monocacy Civil War Battlefield ----- American Civil War -- In Summer 1864 U.S. Grant's National Army had Robert E. Lee's Rebel Army trapped near Richmond Virginia, and William Sherman's National Army was "marching [rampaging] through Georgia" heading for South Carolina. So in time, barring a nasty miracle, the industrial northern United States was going to defeat the agricultural secessionist southern Confederacy. But that miracle nearly happened!! A small Confederate army outmaneuvered a poorly-led National army in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, and invaded Maryland and turned toward Washington DC. National General Lew Wallace [later of Ben Hur fame] gathered a scratched-together, outnumbered force of regulars, reserves, and invalids; and fought a bitter delaying action on the banks of the Monocacy River 50 miles (80 kilometers) northwest of Washington DC. Wallace's force was defeated and scattered, but the Confederate army was delayed for nearly a full day. It then marched on through Maryland to assault the previously unmanned defenses of Washington. But the Confederate attack came only an hour after veteran National troops sent by ships from Grant's army disembarked to successfully garrison Washington's defensive forts They got there just in time. (and as a spectator Abraham Lincoln nearly got himself shot). One or two hours changed history-that-could-have-been. Thus, repulsed in an attempt to invade the Capital of the United States, the Confederate army eventually retreated back into Virginia; on the way, they demanded ransoms from towns in Maryland and southern Pennsylvania, and burned Chambersburg Pennsylvania in retaliation for Nationalist depredations in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia ... And the American Civil War then bloodily proceeded to the now inevitable Confederate surrender.

Rust and Shadows

21 Mar 2021 6 2 273
Old shed by the pathway at Gambrill Mill, Monocacy Civil War Battlefield

A Nice Cuppa, uh, Stone?

30 Mar 2021 23 14 304
I think this is a depiction of whipped cream on a cup of, I guess, hot chocolate. An unusual trend (and maybe it is widespread, and maybe it is somewhat wacky) has a local chapter: Frederick Rocks. As noted in a local news article, "... the idea is to paint rocks with positive messages and images on them, hide them throughout Frederick County, Md., and whomever finds them can either keep the rock or hide it again, so the process can be repeated." 1) Apparently some people have too much time on their hands; and 2) I did not fawn over this rock, nor toss it in the nearby creek, but just pushed it further back into the fencepost mortise; and 3) people nowadays don't realize the sanctity of a battlefield where men fought and died, so they do frivolous stuff.

Rocky Points

23 Aug 2021 13 4 337
Hamilton Cove Preserve, Maine Coast Heritage Trust. On the misty horizon is Canada's Grand Manan Island (rocky steep cliffs at shoreline), New Brunswick Province.

Incoming Tide

23 Aug 2021 12 4 280
Hamilton Cove, Maine Coast Heritage Trust.

Gray Day at Hamilton Cove

A Little Help Up the Hill

24 Aug 2021 9 1 262
Yes, an aid to hikers; but also, on this seaside headland exposed to heavy weather, this rustic stairway eliminates a bare dirt path subject to damaging erosion. Maine Coast Heritage Trust: Boot Head Preserve.

Goldenrod Stairs, on the rocks ...

24 Aug 2021 10 348
The pathway from the upland of Boot Head Preserve down to the curving beach (rocky shingle) of Boot Cove. Here, privately owned property is directly adjacent to acreage purchased by conservation organizations, with the focus of both maintaining its natural state and allowing public access.

Dismal Stairway

30 Jun 2021 20 10 234
The backside of the announcer's tower at abandoned "75 & 80 Dragway" ... (a family-run community drag racing track that eventually closed down when the owners got too old and/or disinterested to operate it anymore.)

Park Car Completely, or go away ...

09 May 2019 2 2 124
Halfway measures apparently not permitted.

If You Weren't Lost Before ...

25 Jul 2012 2 3 168
Cutler Coast (Maine) Reserved Lands -- "The Bold Coast Trail".

Time to Move South

Dark Drapery

15 Mar 2013 4 169
Through-the-Window (1 of 3) -- Kind of spooky when viewed "On Black" ...

Brick, and Glass-Block Window

27 Aug 2018 11 1 204
Through-the-Window (2 of 3) -- The foghorn building at West Quoddy Head lighthouse.

Jefferson & Main

15 Mar 2014 8 154
Through-the-Window (3 of 3) -- Inside an old residence in old Middletown Maryland. Truly historic, this Main Street here is actually a pre-Revolutionary War thoroughfare that led from Baltimore and Georgetown (Washington DC) to eventually what was the beginning of the National Road. Wikipedia says: "The National Road was the first major improved highway in the United States built by the federal government. Built between 1811 and 1837, the 620-mile road connected the Potomac and Ohio Rivers and was a main transport path to the West for [hundreds of] thousands of settlers".

Carrie & Kayla in Lubec Harbor

25 Aug 2021 15 3 277
Workboats and Steel Pilings (1 of 3)

Workboat and Steel Pilings (2 of 3)

04 Sep 2021 7 3 265
This is near the causeway connecting Moose Island (Eastport Maine) and the mainland, at Pleasant Point Indian Reservation. [Wife says, "why are we stopping here again?"] This lobster boat is probably operated by members of the Passamaquoddy First Peoples tribe. A part of a treaty between these First Peoples and the State of Maine in the 1970's said that the Passamaquoddys were subject to Maine fishing laws and regulations ... and the current generation of native fishermen is really unhappy about being thus restricted, wanting to fish using traditional and historic fishing methods, and catch limits. It is said some are simply ignoring these "white man's rules".

Trawlers at Rest

25 Aug 2021 22 18 276
Workboats and Steel Pilings (3 of 3) ... (oh, yeah, that seagull; I waved her down and asked her to pose on a piling ... she said, "OK here's a piling without one of those bird-resistant black cones; will that work for you?")

617 photos in total