Sun-Dappled Smile

Piedmont Maryland

Folder: Maryland

Lost on a Winter's Trail

18 Jan 2014 29 24 1152
... Should we follow these guys?? They probably don't know either ...

Real Ice, Fake Leaves

After The Ice Storm

Wilcom's Inn at State Routes 75 & 80, Monrovia MD

30 Sep 2007 1 2 224
... a well-loved and longtime watering hole next to a locally famous decades-old dragstrip ... the tractor and bulk wagon are not passing by, but are parked while the operator washes away the dust of a hard day of Fall harvesting ...

I Love Ewe

02 Oct 2018 10 4 320
Frederick County Agricultural Fair, Maryland Archive Airings Group -- AA282 Not My Animals.

Black Vulture Drying Out After Thunderstorm

20 Jun 2018 3 2 239
Only recently have Black Vultures become prominent in the Piedmont Region of Maryland. Previously only Turkey Vultures were seen. Both species are carrion eaters. With their large, black feathered bodies and naked red heads and necks, Turkey Vultures are singularly unattractive; but a docile species. Black Vultures are smaller and more aggressive, reportedly even chasing live lambs. (Perhaps this aggressiveness is enabling Black Vultures to push Turkey Vultures out of the local ecological niche.)

Riding the Fence ...

Do Not Drive Here !

Scullery at Buckeystown Inn

25 Feb 2012 15 7 555
A mansion built in 1897, The Inn at Buckeystown was featured in a Halloween TV special, that an upstairs hallway and the attic are haunted by an angry and bad-natured ghost.

Weed Seedpods in a Pumpkin Field

Maynes Farm, Pumpkins in Autumn

Autumn Harvest

Tuliptree Silkmoth

15 Jun 2012 3 3 190
(Located in Central Maryland) Paraphrased from Wikipedia: "The Tuliptree Silkmoth or Giant Silkmoth (Callosamia angulifera) is North American, found from Massachusetts west through southern Ontario and southern Michigan, and south to Mississippi and the Florida panhandle. The wingspan is 80–110 mm (3 1/8 - 4 5/16 inches). There is one generation from June to August in the north and two generations from March to August in the south. The larvae feed on Tulip Poplar/Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). Adults do not feed."

Puppy in the Woodpile

Wauw-Wauw-Wauuuuw, I Am Tired of Being Up Here!!

06 Nov 2013 4 4 168
... even canine models get tired of posing ... ... (Thanks, aNNa, for title upgrade) ... ... (oh, in retrospect, could have been a PiP; sorry) ...

Stick 'em Up, Podner ...

Barnyard Goat

20 Sep 2018 4 4 232
Barnyard Goats say Baa-Baaa ...

Highway Goat

16 Sep 2018 5 4 158
Highway Goats say GR-RRR! ...

124 items in total