(1) Photographers Photographing Photographers


Lacrosse Kids -- Portrait Behind Bars

30 Apr 2011 6 4 247
Youth league players, 13 or 14 years old.

Heyday of New American Bluegrass

29 Nov 2018 2 264
My daughter's band; test shot for CD cover. (SCM = "situational camera movement" ... hand-held, low light, no flash, long exposure time -- to get this blurred result.)

Heinrich Robert Neumann

28 Nov 2018 6 3 306
My Grandfather, The Brewmaster ... a photo of an old family heirloom portrait. Born 1865 Oppeln, Silesia. Master Brewmaster in New York and Maryland breweries from 1896 to 1940. Died 1941 Cumberland Maryland. (Obituary says born in "Oppelian"; my Mother always told me Breslau.)

Intense Bartender

05 Oct 2018 10 4 190
... in the workplace, working under a "glass ceiling" (pun intended) -- actually though, this young lady seemed happy in her job, and was very good at it ...

What Horrors Have These Blue Eyes Seen?

No Words Can Describe ...

Behind the Kitchen at the Seafood Restaurant

15 Aug 2017 7 6 277
Union River Lobster Pot Restaurant in Ellsworth, Maine ... In an open area under a roof, this cook is boiling lobsters and steaming clams and mussels; an outside job as much as the seasons permit. (If there is a wait for a table, it is a blessing in disguise: outside there are tables and chairs on a beautiful lawn sloping down to the river, and staff serving a full array of adult beverages.)

I Love Ewe

02 Oct 2018 10 4 318
Frederick County Agricultural Fair, Maryland Archive Airings Group -- AA282 Not My Animals.

Mermaid and Friend

05 Jul 2018 5 1 199
Do mermaids abduct small children? Somehow this innocent pairing has an ominous undertone.

One Is Not Like the Others

Flying Hip-Bump

15 May 2018 3 4 231
Lacrosse Defensive Players from Queens College. One would not expect that such big guys would be able to jump so high.

Riding the Fence ...

... now back to just waiting for the bus ...

06 Aug 2013 52 43 1052
... except "that oh-so-very-cool girl" in the sunglasses; she is too cynical to care ... (fiberglass street-art in downtown St John, New Brunswick, Canada)

No GPS? Which Way Is North on This Paper Thing?

13 Jul 2011 5 4 333
Casual hiker on Cadillac Mountain, Mt Desert Island, Acadia National Park, Maine. (Oh, serious hikers have all the right gear, tried-and-true. Wannabe hikers have a bunch of expensive L. L. Bean equipment, just posing to look good. This guy is neither.)

Pink Lady on the Pier

82 items in total