Prag – Die Goldene Stadt



Prag – Die Goldene Stadt

Altneu-Synagoge in Prag

St.J.Nepomuk in Prag

Prag – Die Goldene Stadt

Altkatholische Kirche in Prag

Karlsbrücke (Karlův most) Prag

Tanzendes Haus in Prag

Svejk Restaurant U zeleneho stromu Prag

Prag – Die Goldene Stadt

St.-Nikolaus-Kirche (Kostel sv. Mikuláše)Prag

St.-Nikolaus-Kirche (Kostel sv. Mikuláše)Prag

St.-Nikolaus-Kirche (Kostel sv. Mikuláše)Prag

St.-Nikolaus-Kirche (Kostel sv. Mikuláše)Prag

St.-Nikolaus-Kirche (Kostel sv. Mikuláše)Prag

Nikolaus-Kirche (Kostel sv. Mikuláše)Prag

Nepomukstatue auf der Karlsbrücke in Prag

Dom der heiligen Barbara in Kutna Hora

22 Oct 2016 3 2 165
Saint Barbara's Church (Czech: Chrám svaté Barbory) is a Roman Catholic church in Kutná Hora (Bohemia) in the style of a Cathedral, and is sometimes referred to as the Cathedral of St Barbara (Czech: Katedrál sv. panny Barbory).[1] It is one of the most famous Gothic churches in central Europe and it is a UNESCO world heritage site. St Barbara is the patron saint of miners (among others), which was highly appropriate for a town whose wealth was based entirely upon its silver mines.

Dom der heiligen Barbara von innen

22 Oct 2016 203
Saint Barbara's Church (Czech: Chrám svaté Barbory) is a Roman Catholic church in Kutná Hora (Bohemia) in the style of a Cathedral, and is sometimes referred to as the Cathedral of St Barbara (Czech: Katedrál sv. panny Barbory).[1] It is one of the most famous Gothic churches in central Europe and it is a UNESCO world heritage site. St Barbara is the patron saint of miners (among others), which was highly appropriate for a town whose wealth was based entirely upon its silver mines.

74 items in total