Monasterio Palacio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Las Machotas and San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Monasterio Palacio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial

10 Apr 2017 39 51 1028
Vast and imposing edifice, the brainchild of Emperor Felipe II.

San Lorenzo de El Escorial

10 Apr 2017 76 106 2079
The Palace-monastery from the Herreria Woods, Abantos behind. The Capital of Much of the Known World, circa 1590.

Roman road between Zarzalejo and El Escorial

10 Apr 2017 24 26 863
Only a few sections haven't seen the paving stones uprooted and used for building walls and farm buildings. This is one such section. On the ground, this road is not at all a straight line. From the air and on the map it is a typical straight Roman road! The red and white waymark is for the GR10, the long distance walk from Valencia to Lisbon - or Lisbon to Valencia if you prefer. This is recent. I was surprised to see it here as previously, the GR10 passed many kilometres further north, through the centre of the Sierra de La Guadarrama. Perhaps they will be alternating the routes every couple of decades or so in order to give the paths a rest! If so, it is a good idea (although I am told that the GR10 is not much used and I must say that on my many walks using fragments of the GR10, I have never seen any long-distance walkers!)

HFF! (yes it's there on the left).

21 May 2014 60 92 1328
Some of you may remember, from Panoramio, this piece of land belonging to my girlfriend. She is still trying to sell it, if anyone is interested! In the foreground; Spanish lavender.

Las Machotas

20 Nov 2012 32 44 1013
Las Machotas, from near the village of Peralejo, Madrid Province. She wouldn't then. She doesn't now. I respect that. Of course. It doesn't matter that I don't understand it. 5 years on and I have accepted it!

A very Happy Fence Friday to everyone who helped a…

10 Apr 2017 50 68 1189
Spring Greens! From the Roman road near El Escorial.

Abantos and San Lorenzo de El Escorial from the He…

03 Nov 2015 18 19 750
A fine autumn day, November, 2015

San Lorenzo de El Escorial and blackberries.

24 Aug 2015 25 32 814
The impressive, huge, awe-inspiring yet oppressively grim monastery-palace of Felipe II is a little softened seen through the brambles! Taken from the Roman road.

Spring revisited no 4. Catkins, Valdemorillo, Mad…

11 Mar 2013 61 91 1311
aNNa Schramm solved the puzzle as to what tree these catkins come from. They are the male catkins of the Populus Tremula (Lt), European Aspen (Eng), Zitterpappel (Gm), Peuplier tremble (Fr) or Alamo (Sp). Thank you aNNa! Taken March 2013, first posted on ipernity 2016. Valdemorillo, Madrid Province.

Honesty growing through wild fennel

10 Apr 2017 22 23 782
Both plants are abundant at the moment in the countryside of Central Spain. Taken near El Escorial. I see some leaf-cutting insect has had a go at the petals!

I say hello to this horse every time I pass this w…

10 Apr 2017 35 53 1023
I have walked this stretch of the Roman road many times these past 5 years and I always stop and give an apple to my friend here. My girlfriend brings a few carrots (although she wasn't present on this occasion). Horsey accepted the apple graciously enough but turned away as soon as he realised carrots weren't forthcoming!

San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Roman road near San Lorenzo de El Escorial and Zar…

09 Nov 2015 23 26 816
November 2015.

A favourite tree by the Roman road (I now wish I'd…

19 Aug 2015 9 17 552
The Roman road near El Escorial passes by this fine oak. Photo taken in August 2015 (ignore the incorrect exinf!).


25 Apr 2013 54 78 947
By the Roman road - near El Escorial and Zarzalejo.

El Fraile, Las Machotas with dry-stone wall.

21 Oct 2011 44 50 925
Overlooking El Escorial, Las Machotas present a nice, relatively easy hill walk. The old drystone walls are interesting too. El Fraile = The Friar. The rock at the summit seems to represent the cowled figure of a friar! Best enlarged, at Carol's (Ecobird's) suggestion.

Las Machotas, dry-stone wall

21 Oct 2011 35 30 934
Constructed high in the Sierra de Guadarrama and now in ruins. I like the stone shapes in these walls just as I love the same in the drystone walls of upland Britain! Best on 'z'

San Lorenzo de El Escorial

05 Nov 2015 47 45 750
The famous palace-monastery, seen from the Herreria Woods (mainly holm and Pyrenean oak), with smoke from an autumnal bonfire (appropriate for November 5!) and the slopes of Abantos behind. There is actually quite a substantial town there, more or less hidden by the bulk of this enormous edifice! When Felipe II had it constructed, it must have been the largest building in Europe at that time. He needed a big place to run his Empire from and for hundreds of monks to pray for and with him! Best viewed on max enlargement.

126 items in total