H. A. N. W. E. everbody!

Night shots

H. A. N. W. E. everbody!

19 Feb 2021 38 51 409
A path near my new home. The path is incredibly steep (to give you an idea, look at how close the two lamp posts are in relation to each other). The steepest section is just out of sight, after the top four shallow steps. I don't dare use it in the wet or, even worse, in ice! (Railings not provided!). The murk is not just twilight but in addition the sand cloud we get from the Sahara from time to time. The mountains should be visible on the horizon but they aren't due to the 'Calima' or sand cloud. You can actually taste the sand on your tongue!

HFF everyone!

14 Feb 2021 47 94 375
Madrid in the far distance. (35 km away) Best on large / full screen.


20 Dec 2013 72 142 2324
Plaza Chueca, Madrid. Christmas lights in the rain. First shown in 2016 on ipernity from a shot taken in 2013. I can't upload my new 2020 Christmas shot so a blast from the past will have to suffice!

Dawn, Hortaleza, Madrid

03 Jan 2013 51 58 1037
From my balcony one morning in 2013.

Madrid night lights

12 Oct 2020 36 27 317
Torre Windsor burnt down on this site in 2004 and El Corte Inglés (think cross between Harrods and M&S) bought the site and made it one of their flagship stores. (And I was pleased to see the classic Triumph bike there!).

Green. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

21 Sep 2013 35 24 325
Green door and window shutter, Maderuelo, Segovia Province. Night shot.

HFF Everyone!

03 Mar 2020 48 50 383
The Four Towers from near Plaza de Castilla, at dusk.

Last of the Christmas lights. Gran Vía, Madrid.

24 Nov 2019 31 17 366
Before they all come down tomorrow night (or in theory they should on 12th Night, Reyes - Kings, in Spain). Today the streets were heaving; the busiest shopping day of Christmas because tomorrow evening is the feast of Kings, when the kiddies get their prezzies. Monday is a holiday and then the sales start on Tuesday.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

24 Nov 2019 27 21 356
Christmas lights, Plaza de Chueca, Madrid

Purple Haze

23 Dec 2019 17 14 263
Azca at 7:56 this morning, about to go into the building on the left to give my 8 to 10 Friday morning class to a senior partner at a major firm.

Christmas lights

24 Nov 2019 12 6 230
Chueca, Madrid.

All lit up! H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

06 Dec 2019 31 24 335
One of Madrid's major music academies is here, located across the road from me. Situated at a prominent junction, and above a bank, the building is narrow, tapering to this rounded end. They light it up well for Christmas.

Green for 'go' at Christmas!

24 Nov 2019 11 6 288
Gran Vía, Madrid. I stepped back pretty pronto as a bus bore down on me a nano-second after taking this shot!

The church at Hoyo de Manzanares

26 Oct 2012 8 6 247
Capilla de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Madrid Province.

Pirámides, Madrid

13 Nov 2019 11 7 335
My walk back from my last class tonight took me past these obelisks near the Puente de Toledo. When I get time, I will Google these obelisks to find out about them and report back. Please be patient!

I was pleased to see these two.

17 Jul 2019 7 7 305
On an evening stroll near me, but down a pedestrianised road I hadn't been down before, I saw these. This game is hopscotch, I don't know the other one.

I was pleased to see these two

17 Jul 2019 5 4 251
On an evening stroll near me, but down a pedestrianised road I hadn't been down before, I saw these. The other game is hopscotch, I don't know this one.

Azca business Centre, Madrid

09 Jul 2019 5 1 198
When I downloaded this it suddenly started dancing and moving and the lights were flashing and it looked like it was in an earthquake. Something to do with Google Drive trying to be clever and realizing I'd taken a few shots of this close together and the lights on the tall building do change every minute or so. I wondered if the effect would transfer to this site but of course not. Anyway I was much taken by surprise at first!

74 items in total