HFF everyone!

Street Art

HFF everyone!

11 Jun 2018 30 41 471
This shot of the Torres Cuatro and the recent street art at Chamartin Station was taken immediately after the completion of the artwork withing the allotted time frame. Some of the artwork was left unfinished. The scaffolding frames which allowed them to do the work is still here. It had gone two days later. I guess the Council loaned them the scaffolding over one weekend only so that it didn't interfere with normal council work!

Street art, Chamartin, Madrid

18 Jun 2018 15 15 620
Seen before but from a different position.

HFF everyone!

26 Jun 2018 24 32 381
Not just style parted by fence, street art topped by the tops of four towers.

More street art.

18 Jun 2018 16 15 387
Technically more than competent.


18 Jun 2018 12 7 299
Kate seems to star a fair bit, whether as the artist or as a dedicatee, I know not! More from the car park at Chamartin station, Madrid.

More street art and the last of the spring mallow.

18 Jun 2018 15 9 340
I think the graffiti and vegetation go well together here. Next time I pass by, only the graffiti will remain, I suspect!

More street art.

26 Jun 2018 15 15 300
Again probably unfinished but I like it as it is!

More street art. Well, I suppose 'it keeps 'em off…

26 Jun 2018 16 23 286
Even though it's a bit OTT, I like its exuberance!

More interesting and well-executed street art, pos…

26 Jun 2018 13 16 510
Again from the same area in Chamartin, Madrid as the others. There will be more.

The Four Towers and street art.

18 Jun 2018 33 35 595
The whole area between here and these 4 towers has been an 'on and off - mainly off - project' for many years to build many more such towers - I read 5 more, then 13 more and then 137 more (OK I exaggerate here!). I think envy of La Defense in Paris runs deep. They can't make up their minds. I think the street art might stay here for years!

Street Art.

18 Jun 2018 18 19 354
More from Chamartin Station car park area, Madrid.

The shops at the station!

18 Jun 2018 24 22 341
Graffiti (authorised) on the walls around Chamartin Station car park. Near the Cuatro Torres Business Park, where I take many classes. The station shop mini-mall must have contributed to the costs of employing well known street artists and they were able to have a plug for the station shopping mall included here!

Meeting of styles.

18 Jun 2018 14 16 295
As an English teacher and interested generally in such things, I am always amused at the predominant use of English (OK, American English), rather that the vernacular. To my mind it would have given greater authenticity and authority if it had been in Spanish.

Metro de Madrid

18 Jun 2018 13 10 300
Chamartin mainline and metro station, Car park, authorised graffiti. The Four Towers, Madrid

A fabulous wall mural

18 Jun 2018 52 39 638
I showed this before but it is worth a more detailed expose. The street artist, whomsoever she or he is, gets the thoombs oop from me! This is my favourite of very many excellent street art exhibits on the site of Chamartin Station's car park - to be demolished sooner or later. This will therefore be transient but I will enjoy it while it lasts.

Street Art (authorised) and two of the Cuatro Torr…

18 Jun 2018 24 15 433
I had a class cancellation today so was left in limbo for an hour or so. As I had to pass through here anyway I remembered these recent murals and so took time to record a few. I will post more over the next few days and weeks.

HFF everyone!

11 Jun 2018 44 50 481
New council sponsored murals (certainly less than a week old) on walls near Madrid's Chamartin station.

HFF!!! Cuatro Torres and sculpture, Chamartin rail…

12 Apr 2014 41 64 1411
The sculpture: "A LA DIVERSIDAD HUMANA" Sculpture by Josep Capella and Clara Capo. I have Steve Drury to thank for finding the title from my Pano gallery when I thought Google had erased all notes and comments! Please give as generously as you can: www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/ipernity-members-association-a-non-profit-entity

53 items in total