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Resolution:96 x 96 dpi
Dimension:729 x 1000 pixels
Created on:2023:10:21 19:25:56+02:00
Modified on:2023:10:22 20:23:01
Software:Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
Already AppliedTrue
Color ModeRGB
Color SpaceUncalibrated
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Document AncestorsF41ADC7810371FDD339A3DB1BB0D1F 01, adobe:docid:photoshop:cf98f1f0 -7105-11ee-be23-a08250343fa8
Exif Version0221
History2023-10-22T20:05:25+02:00.Fich ier portrait inconnue.jpg ouvert.2023-10-22T20:07:25+02: 00.Fichier C:\Users\crackers\Desktop\port rait inconnue1.jpg enregistré.2023-10-22T20:12:1 0+02:00.Fichier portrait inconnue1a.jpg ouvert.2023-10-22T20:14:17+02: 00.Fichier C:\Users\crackers\Desktop\port rait\portrait inconnue1aa.jpg enregistré.
History Actionsaved, saved, saved, saved, saved, saved, saved
History Changed/, /, /, /, /, /, /
History Instance IDxmp.iid:34668191-806c-8f48-b5a f-11dcadaa0219, xmp.iid:e3bd1bc1-96be-1143-9d8 4-ea7eea4e4e0b, xmp.iid:110C77B80771EE11BF88F8 1B7F7D50F7, xmp.iid:120C77B80771EE11BF88F8 1B7F7D50F7, xmp.iid:130C77B80771EE11BF88F8 1B7F7D50F7, xmp.iid:140C77B80771EE11BF88F8 1B7F7D50F7, xmp.iid:150C77B80771EE11BF88F8 1B7F7D50F7
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows, Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows, Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows, Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows, Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
History When2023:10:22 20:07:25+02:00, 2023:10:22 20:14:17+02:00, 2023:10:22 20:20:46+02:00, 2023:10:22 20:20:46+02:00, 2023:10:22 20:22:39+02:00, 2023:10:22 20:22:39+02:00, 2023:10:22 20:23:01+02:00
Image Size729x1000
Legacy IPTC Digest2E04869F8280DA2B220E0053D37FFD 56
Metadata Date2023:10:22 20:23:01+02:00
Original Document IDF41ADC7810371FDD339A3DB1BB0D1F 01
Photometric InterpretationRGB
Resolution Unitinches
Samples Per Pixel3
Thumbnail Offset390
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.0-c060 61.134777, 2010/02/12-17:32:00