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Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Dimension:1000 x 1333 pixels
Created on:2022:11:30 09:37:36+01:00
Modified on:2022:12:02 09:56:08
Software:Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows)
Color ModeRGB
Color SpaceUncalibrated
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
DescriptionLuminance HDR 2.6.0..Tonemapping parameters:.Operator: Mantiuk06.Parameters:.Contrast Mapping factor: 0.1.Saturation Factor: 1.4 .Detail Factor: 1 .------.PreGamma: 1.
Exif Version0221
History Actionsaved, saved
History Changed/, /
History Instance IDxmp.iid:600051ff-2526-ff43-8f6 b-b0ffaefb7185, xmp.iid:b1994324-ae00-3a46-b97 f-95b64b2db8d4
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows)
History When2022:11:30 09:40:11+01:00, 2022:12:02 09:56:08+01:00
Image DescriptionLuminance HDR 2.6.0..Tonemapping parameters:.Operator: Mantiuk06.Parameters:.Contrast Mapping factor: 0.1.Saturation Factor: 1.4 .Detail Factor: 1 .------.PreGamma: 1.
Image Size1000x1333
Legacy IPTC Digest7A2993E19112BD2A18ADF2B64A490E B0
Metadata Date2022:12:02 09:56:08+01:00
Original Document IDAB61E9D6181F7F60FD0DFEBCAF77C2 4F
Photometric InterpretationRGB
Processing SoftwareLuminance HDR 2.6.0
Resolution Unitinches
Samples Per Pixel3
Thumbnail Offset798
User CommentLuminance HDR 2.6.0..Tonemapping parameters:.Operator: Mantiuk06.Parameters:.Contrast Mapping factor: 0.1.Saturation Factor: 1.4 .Detail Factor: 1 .------.PreGamma: 1.
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.6-c067 79.157747, 2015/03/30-23:40:42