Hand in hand / Mano en mano / De main en main


Taken with my low-tech iPhone.

Hand in hand / Mano en mano / De main en main

16 Jul 2017 9 10 1407
The hand is a fragment of a tiny old Japanese ivory doll/sculpture that belonged to my mother.

Sunflower + Instant Sunflower

18 Jul 2017 4 4 964
“There are not too many fables about man's misuse of sunflower seeds.” ― Richard Brautigan An iPhone photograph of my Instax instant film photo of a sunflower, next to the real sunflower that I photographed.

My brother Squared

19 Jul 2017 2 1 779
“He keeps getting older while I'm not paying attention.” ― Maggie Stiefvater An iPhone photo of my eldest brother Lito, along with an Instax instant photos of him, in the same frame = brother x brothe = brother squared

Family photos

19 Jul 2017 2 1 854
“I have learned that to be with those I like is enough” ― Walt Whitman An iPhone photo of an Instax instant photo of my older brother Rick, and another, older photo, of our mother.

Mi hermano Rick 2 veces / 2 views of my brother Ri…

22 Jul 2017 2 693
“In perpetuum, frater, ave atque vale. (Forever and ever, brother, hail and farewell.)” ― Catullus An iPhone photograph of my older brother Rick, covering his face to duplicate what he was doing in the tiny Instax instant photo which I had taken of him, earlier.

Park trash / Basura bosque / Poubelle nature

06 Aug 2017 6 6 1214
“Ours is a culture and a time immensely rich in trash as it is in treasures.” ― Ray Bradbury Trash can in the park adjacent to the bike path in Talent, Oregon.

Eclipse Glasses / Gafas Eclipse / Lunette Éclipse

18 Aug 2017 6 5 1004
My heart a hole the size of the sun's eclipse. I push through the dark circle's tattered edge of light. (Diane Glancy)

Frog head / Cabeza de rana / Tête de grenouille

08 Sep 2017 4 4 901
“If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett Sculpture in Talent, Oregon.


17 Oct 2017 3 2 495
Van stopped in traffic somewhere in southern Oregon.

Small-town religion

07 Oct 2017 3 3 681
At the Harvest Festival Parade, in Talent, Oregon

Monstruos chocolates de Halloween /// Halloween ca…

28 Sep 2017 1 2 641
Mira, sólo hay un medio por matar los monstruos: aceptarlos. (Julio Cortázar) Look, there's only one way to kill monsters: accept them.