Dodge Truck

Olympus TG-5

Photos taken with my compact weatherproof Olympus TG-5 'Tough' camera

Dodge Truck

27 Feb 2018 3 575
A guy who loves his truck needs other people to admire his driving machine. Yeah, needs. That's the truth. I don't know why, but that's the way truck guys are.” (Benjamin Alire Sáenz) Rusted old Dodge truck parked alongside a rural road outside of Ashland, Oregon. Taken with the Olympus TG-5

Screaming Goat

28 Feb 2018 1 760
“When a goat likes a book, the whole book is gone, and the meaning has to go find an author again. ― William Stafford My tiny toy 'Screaming Goat', sitting atop my desk in the room where I write.

Monkey Primate

27 Feb 2018 1 603
“Monkeys are superior to men in this: when a monkey looks into a mirror, he sees a monkey.” ― Malcolm de Chazal The small plastic jumping monkey who sits above my writing desk, surrounded by other action figures. Taken with the Oympus TG-5


05 Mar 2018 3 873
“We're developing a new citizenry. One that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles, but won't be able to think.” ― Rod Serling Taillight of an old car sitting in the driveway of a small southern Oregon town.

Buddha Hand

08 Mar 2018 1 4 907
“Oh-do be careful with that! That's my Buddha hand grenade. Twist the head twice and throw it and anyone within ten yards can say their prayers.” ― Anthony Horowitz Buddha/Hand for sale in a supermarket in Ashland, Oregon.

h-g-u-o-T (mirror image)

20 Apr 2018 1 1 674
“You don't take a photograph, you make it.” ― Ansel Adams Mirror-image of my Olympus Tough camera.