

Folder: Flowers and Plants

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25 Jun 2009

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264 visits

"If love were what the rose is." Swinburne

Rainy days mean photography indoors and it has rained endlessly here, or so it seems. The full quote from Swinburne reads: "If love were what the rose is, And I were like the leaf, Our lives would grow together In sad or singing weather." To my wife, who's been feeling down because her mother is ill.

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25 Sep 2009

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379 visits

"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." II Corinthians 4:6

Photographed in the Manito City Park rose garden, Spokane, Washington.

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12 Jun 2009

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182 visits

Floral Sunset

In Explore, October 30, 2009, #427. Dedicated to Brendamb, another wonderful Flickr friend. May your days always be as bright as this lovely rose. This rose was photographed in a neighbor's garden. I wonder sometime what our neighbors think of me, crawling around on the sidewalks in front of their houses. The picture was cropped, but is otherwise SOOC.

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18 Jun 2009

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"Those blood drops from the burning heart of June." John Masefield

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13 Jun 2009

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225 visits

"An earthly thing were better like the rose, at peace with clay from which its beauty grows." John Masefield

In Explore June 17, 2009, #236.

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12 Jun 2009

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"Eternal beauty's everlasting rose." John Masefield

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04 Jun 2009

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271 visits

"The roses had the look of flowers that are looked at." T.S. Eliot

My youngest daughter's fiancee gave her these roses (her name is Rosanna, so the roses are now Rose's roses). I immediately confiscated them so that I could photograph them.

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29 Jan 2009

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283 visits


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29 Jan 2009

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41 items in total