Black-tailed Deer

Native Mammals

Folder: Native Flora and Fauna

24 Oct 2014

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American Pika

The American Pika, Ochotona princeps, is a small relative of the rabbit that lives in alpine boulderfields in the American west. This curious little guy was photographed along the Heather-Maple Pass trail in the North Cascades and seemed completely unafraid of us.

23 Jun 2015

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842 visits

Red Fox

We saw this Red Fox from the bus as we were traveling through Denali to Toklat. The photo was taken from the bus and so is neither as sharp as I would like nor at the angle I would have liked. She (I am assuming it was a female) has two or three small animals in its mouth, probably Ground Squirrels, and probably as food for her young. She paid us and the bus no mind but trotted along the side of road for quite a ways.

23 Jun 2015

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This is another photo of the cow moose we saw at Horseshoe Lake in Denali National Park. At this point the moose was feeding in the lake.

23 Jun 2015

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While in Denali we camped at the Sanctuary River and it was in the fields near the campground that this picture was taken. He looks a bit ratty due to the season, but was, nevertheless, a magnificent animal. The bugs must have been getting to him, though, since every few seconds he would do what I can only describe as a "shudder" trying to dislodge the mosquitoes and biting flies, I assume.

19 Jun 2015

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884 visits

Baby Moose

He (or she) was photographed along the Resurrection River near the entrance to the Exit Glacier area of Kenai Fjords National Park. The ranger who was checking up on him said that he had been there for a couple of days with no sign of his mother, but the next day when we went by he was gone.

23 Jun 2015

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807 visits


This cow moose was photographed at Horseshoe Lake in Denali National Park on one of the hikes we did while in Denali. We learned later that this cow had been hanging around the lake and had been very aggressive towards anyone who invaded her space. We were not actually as close as appears in the photo and when she moved in our direction we moved quickly away. Moose are often as dangerous as grizzlies and do not like people coming too near them.

04 Jun 2015

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Mule Deer

This was taken in the area of Sinlahekin, a rather remote part of north-central Washington in the eastern foothills of the Cascades. I didn't have a more powerful lens on my camera when this was taken, but liked the shot, especially the exposure and the way the deer stood out against the background.

30 Mar 2015

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Columbia Black-tailed Deer

Very common around these parts, these deer often become pests. The Columbia Black-tailed Deer is considered a subspecies of the Mule Deer. This deer was photographed in Washington Park on Fidalgo Island.

09 Jul 2014

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1 025 visits

Mountain Goat

We've been traveling the past week through the Canadian Rockies, camping, hiking and sightseeing. We've been through Kootenay, Banff and Jasper National Parks and Mount Robson Provincial Park and are now for a while in Edmonton visiting children and grandchildren. We saw a group of these Mountain Goats in Jasper two days ago and stopped for pictures.
176 items in total