Twin Sisters

North Cascades

Folder: Washington

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02 Jul 2019

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144 visits

Mossy Forest

This was taken the morning we hiked our from Tricouni camp on the Thunder Creek trail and was one of the last photos I took sine we where hiking fast due to the threat of rain. At this point we had crossed a bridge and were back on the Thunder Creek trail which would take us about nine miles north to our vehicle.

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02 Jul 2019

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353 visits

Thunder Creek

The first two of these photos were taken the morning we hiked out from our camp at Tricouni. Our camp was a across a bridge over Thunder Creek and this was our last view of the creek. The weather had changed and it was starting to look like rain and had started to rain by the time we arrived back at our vehicle.

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01 Jul 2019

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171 visits

North Cascades

These are some of the peaks visible from the Thunder Creek trail beyond Tricouni. I am not sure of the names, but the peak on the left maybe Boston Peak.

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01 Jul 2019

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The Trail

The Thunder Creek trail in the North Cascades is a pleasant hike with the creek nearby but one does not see much of the mountains, not for the first nine or ten miles. We had chosen this trail for our first backpacking excursion with our oldest daughter because it does not have a lot of elevation gain. After hiking all day and setting up camp at Tricouni we hiked on without backpacks for several miles. The trail there gets much steeper and the views open up so that the surrounding mountains are visible. This is the trail from Tricouni to Junction.

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01 Jul 2019

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144 visits

North Cascades

This was the view looking back down the valley through which we hiked with our oldest daughter, taking her on her first backpacking trip ever. We had hiked the Thunder Creek trail to Tricouni and after setting up camp had hiked further and higher.

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01 Jul 2019

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187 visits

Tricouni Camp

This is where we camped overnight when backpacking last summer with our oldest daughter. We hiked in nine miles along the Thunder Creek trail in the North Cascades to Tricouni camp, a backcountry camp with three sites, though we were the only ones there. We packed in two tents and were able to have a fire at whicih we relaxed after some further hiking without packs, an evening meal and before turning in for the night.

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01 Jul 2019

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Thunder Creek.

This was the creek Thunder Creek, we followed to our backcountry campsite at Tricouni in the North Cascades. Our campsite was on the left on a bank above the creek.

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01 Jul 2019

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151 visits

Thunder Creek

This was Thunder Creek the evening we camped overnight after backpacking the trail along the creek and then hiking further along the trail without our packs. We sat by the creek a while that evening and put our feet in the icy water.

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01 Jul 2019

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175 visits

Thunder Creek

In July we took our oldest daughter backpacking. We choose the Thunder Creek trail because of its minimal elevation gain. We hiked in about nine miles with a thousand feet of elevation gain and then after setting up camp did some further hiking with some more serious elevation gain. This was where we had out lunch on the way in.
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