IMG 0430 Leafcutter bee-1

Bromley Macro July to Sep 2024

IMG 0430 Leafcutter bee-1

22 Jul 2024 21
Leafcutter bee, megachile, TQ 40100 68716

IMG 0433 Gatekeeper-2

27 Jul 2024 23
Gatekeeper, Pyronia tithonus TQ 40104 68783 allotment

IMG 0468 Fly

27 Jul 2024 22
Fly on ragswort Queensmead's recreation ground, Bromley TQ 39836 69199

IMG 0493 Mothv2-1-1

27 Jul 2024 25
Moth, TQ 40100 68716 I was walking a friend's dog and saw this in a neighbour's front garden - fortunately they did not see me photograph it

IMG 0469 Bug

27 Jul 2024 1 24
Bug on ragwort flower, Queensmead's recreation ground, Bromley

EF7A0172-CR2 DxO DeepPRIME -1Dragonflyv4

28 Jul 2024 21
Dragonfly, Black-tailed Skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum) Keston Common, Keston

EF7A0219-CR2 DxO DeepPRIME -1Damselflyv4

28 Jul 2024 18
Damselflies, Keston Common, Keston

EF7A0234-CR2 DxO DeepPRIME -1Damselflyv4

28 Jul 2024 23
Damselfly, Keston Common, Keston

IMG 0541 Woodlouse Spider-4

02 Aug 2024 26
Woodlouse Spider,Dysdera crocata TQ 40100 68716

IMG 0537 Grasshopper-2

02 Aug 2024 21
Grasshopper, Long-winged Conehead (Conocephalus fuscus) Queensmead's recreation ground, Bromley

IMG 0512 Bumblebee-2

29 Jul 2024 20
Bumblebee, Queensmead's recreation ground, Bromley

IMG 0495 Cinnabar Moth-1

29 Jul 2024 27
Cinnabar moth, Tyria jacobaeae on ragwort. Queensmead's recreation ground, Bromley

IMG 0545 Woodlouse Spider

02 Aug 2024 24
Woodlouse Spider,Dysdera crocata TQ 40100 68716

IMG 0147 Ichumenon

05 Aug 2024 20
Ichuemon fly - I think in my house TQ 40100 68716 It is eating honey that I gave it as a bribe to stay still The real size of the antennae is 4.67 mm, magnification is 1.68 Body size 5.17 mm,

IMG 0789 Jersey Tiger Moth-1

04 Aug 2024 24
Jersey Tiger Moth, Euplagia quadripunctaria, Chislehurst TQ 42847 70813

IMG 0806 syritta pipien-1-1

04 Aug 2024 18
Female syritta pipiens, TQ 42847 70813 04/08/2024, Chislehurst

IMG 0819 Volucella Zonaria-2

04 Aug 2024 23
Volucella zonaria Queensmead's recreation ground, Bromley TQ 39836 69199 04/08/2024

IMG 0827 Chalkhill Blue-1

04 Aug 2024 16
Common blue, Polyommatus icarus, Queensmead's recreation ground, Bromley TQ 39836 69199

115 items in total