IMG 7732 Beetle

Hutchinson's bank Spring/Summer 2024

IMG 7732 Beetle

01 Jun 2024 22
Beetle on dandelion, Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893 The real size is 6.24 mm, magnification is 1.4

EF7A9835 Beetles

01 Jun 2024 23
Green Malachite beetle,Malachius bipustulatus - center and another beetle on dandelion flower Hutchinson's Bank, New Addington

EF7A9842 Conopid

01 Jun 2024 28
Sicus ferrugineus, Ferruginous Bee-grabber on a dandelion - I wonder if this was female trying to attract a male Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9843 Conopid-6

01 Jun 2024 19
Sicus ferrugineus, Ferruginous Bee-grabber on a dandelion - I wonder if this was female trying to attract a male Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9850 Thick Legged Beetle

01 Jun 2024 15
Oedemera nobilis, Thick-legged Flower Beetle Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9857 Bee

01 Jun 2024 24
Bee on buttercup, Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9858 Mint Moth

01 Jun 2024 19
Mint moth, Pyrausta aurata, Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9877 Bee

01 Jun 2024 23
Bee on buttercup, Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9888 Bee-3

01 Jun 2024 1 21
Bee on buttercup, Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9895 Small Blue

01 Jun 2024 19
Small Blue, Cupido minimus, Hutchinson's Bank, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9900 Small Heath-1-2

01 Jun 2024 19
Small Heath,Coenonympha pamphilus Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9913 Batman Hoverfly-1

01 Jun 2024 21
Batman Hoverfly - Myathropa florea Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9918 ClickBeetle-5

01 Jun 2024 20
Maybe Wireworm Click Beetle - Agriotes obscurus Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9942 Bee-1

01 Jun 2024 12
Bee, Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9960 Crab Spider-1

01 Jun 2024 20
Misumena vatia, crab spider eating a fly. I noticed this because of the strange angle of the fly Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9972 Conopids

01 Jun 2024 25
Conopids trying to mate Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9973 Conopid

01 Jun 2024 21
Three is definetly a crowd for conopids trying to mate Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

EF7A9979 Ichumenon Fly-1

01 Jun 2024 2 2 29
ichneumon fly, I wonder what the host is. Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893

77 items in total