EF7A4046 Hoverfly

Bromley Macro June July 2023

EF7A4046 Hoverfly

15 Jun 2023 18
Hoverfly, TQ 40100 68716 15/06/2023

EF7A4049 Field Scabious

15 Jun 2023 21
Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) - good plant to grow in hanging baskets attracts loads of insects

EF7A4072 Private Hawk Moth

16 Jun 2023 14
Privet hawk moth, Sphinx ligustri,

EF7A4120 Privet Hawk Moth

16 Jun 2023 16
Privet hawk moth, Sphinx ligustri,

EF7A4129 Beetle

17 Jun 2023 21
Beetle from the allotment, TQ 40104 68783

EF7A4052 Moth

15 Jun 2023 19
Moth from the garden, TQ 40100 68716

EF7A4133 Bug

17 Jun 2023 17
Bug on a green bin, TQ 40100 68716 Common froghopper Philaenus spumarius

EF7A4146 Caterpillar

18 Jun 2023 13
Caterpillar on a strawberry plant - it didn't seem to harm it.

EF7A4162 Hoverfly

19 Jun 2023 14
Female Marmalade Hoverlfy, Episyrphus balteatus,from the allotment, TQ 40104 68783 19/06/2023

IMG 9680 Hoverfly

19 Jun 2023 21
Hoverfly on bramble, TQ 40104 68783 19/06/2023 The real size is 6.89 mm, magnification is 1.4

IMG 9683 Hoverfly

19 Jun 2023 2 24
Hoverfly on bramble, TQ 40104 68783 19/06/2023 The real size is 6.89 mm, magnification is 1.4

EF7A4193 Moth

22 Jun 2023 15
Moth, from the moth trap, TQ 40100 68716 on my hand. Maybe Hart and Dart, Agrotis exclamationis

EF7A4203 Moth

22 Jun 2023 14
Moth, from the moth trap, TQ 40100 68716. Garden Grass-veneer - Chrysoteuchia culmella

EF7A4198 Moth

22 Jun 2023 20
Moth, from the moth trap, TQ 40100 68716 on my hand. Maybe Hart and Dart, Agrotis exclamationis

IMG 9690 Caddis fly

22 Jun 2023 14
Caddis fly from the moth trap TQ 40100 68716The real size is 10.34 mm, magnification is 1.4. Maybe Mystacides longicornis

IMG 9707 Moth

22 Jun 2023 18
Moth from the moth trap, TQ 40100 68716The real size is 8.92 mm, magnification is 1.4 Maybe codling moth Cydia pomonella

IMG 9698 Moth

22 Jun 2023 15
Moth in a moth trap, TQ 40100 68716The real size is 6.51 mm, magnification is 1.4 Chaoborus genus

EF7A4209 Moth

22 Jun 2023 14
Treble Brown-Spot (Idaea trigeminata), TQ 40100 68716 Moth from the garden,

40 items in total