IMG 9655 Beetle

Bromley Macro May to June 2023

IMG 9655 Beetle

17 Jun 2023 33
Beetle on green bin, The real size is 3.1 mm, magnification is 2.8 Grid ref TQ 40100 68716

IMG 9647 Bee

17 Jun 2023 19
Bee from the allotment on the side of a shed, TQ 40104 68783 The real size is 4.75 mm, magnification is 1.68

IMG 9648 Bee

17 Jun 2023 20
Bee from the allotment on the side of a shed, TQ 40104 68783 The real size is 4.75 mm, magnification is 1.68

EF7A3561 Millipede

17 May 2023 17
Millipede from the allotment TQ 40104 68783

EF7A3559 Carder Bee Queen

17 May 2023 18
I think common carder queen, Bombus pascuorum on apple blossum. On the allotment TQ 40104 68783

EF7A3573 Apple Tree Moth Stack

20 May 2023 16
light brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana) - Australia's most common export? From the moth trap

EF7A3578 Common Malachite Beete

27 May 2023 21
Common Malachite Beetle - Malachius bipustulatus on a buttercup Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

EF7A3579 Common Malachite Beetle

27 May 2023 19
Common Malachite Beetle - Malachius bipustulatus on a buttercup. Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

EF7A3591 Comma Butterfly

27 May 2023 22
Comma Polygonia c-album, Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

EF7A3596 Batman Hoverfly

27 May 2023 20
Male Batman hoverfly Myathropa florea. Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

EF7A3586 Common Blue Damselfly

27 May 2023 26
Azure damselfly, Coenagrion puella Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

IMG 9839 Click Beetle

27 May 2023 13
A click bettle of some type. Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

IMG 9908 Pseudoscorpion

29 May 2023 14
Pseudoscorpion, from the allotment TQ 40104 68783 The real size is 1.57 mm, magnification is 4.19

IMG 9921 Ant

03 Jun 2023 21
Myrmica species from the allotment at 2.52 Magnification

IMG 9936 Aphid

03 Jun 2023 24
Aphids on a sycamore leaf, The real size of one of them is 0.45 mm, magnification is 4.62 mag

IMG 9946 Aphids

03 Jun 2023 17
Aphids on a sycamore leaf. The real size is 2.41 mm, magnification is 3.78

IMG 9929 Aphidv3

03 Jun 2023 21
Aphids at 2.8 Magnification. For the bigger one body size is 1.93 and wing size 3.95

IMG 9968 hoverfly larva

03 Jun 2023 21
Hoverfly larva, the real size is 2.75 mm, magnification is 5.18

55 items in total