EF7A5448 Hoverflyv2

Bromley Sep to Oct 2021

EF7A5448 Hoverflyv2

29 Aug 2021 16
Hoverfly Chislehurst, Grid Ref TQ 42847 70813

EF7A5437 HoneyBeev2

29 Aug 2021 17
Honey bee, Apis mellifera, Chislehurst, Grid Ref TQ 42847 70813

EF7A5463 Waspv2

29 Aug 2021 12
Wasp, Chislehurst, Grid Ref TQ 42847 70813

EF7A5497 Bumblebeev2

29 Aug 2021 1 13
Bumblebee not sure of ID, Chislehurst grid TQ 42847 70813

EF7A5502 Bumblebeev2

29 Aug 2021 17
Bumblebee not sure of ID, Chislehurst grid TQ 42847 70813

EF7A5552 Shieldbugv2

31 Aug 2021 15
Southern Green Shieldbug, Nezara viridula on the allotment TQ 40104 68783

EF7A5559 Bumblebeev2

31 Aug 2021 15
Bumbleebee I think a carder bee Bombus pascuorum but not sure, Grid ref TQ 40100 68716

EF7A5546 August Thornv2

31 Aug 2021 18
August Thorn - Ennomos quercinaria Found on the footbridge between Newbury Road and the allotments, Grid ref TQ 40052 68740

EF7A5570 Mothv2

10 Sep 2021 21
Moth in the bathroom

EF7A5579 Damselflyv2

11 Sep 2021 30
I think Emerald Damselfly, Lestes sponsa

EF7A5595 Dragonflyv2

11 Sep 2021 18
Common Darter, Sympetrum striolatum (I think) eating a meal. Keston Common

EF7A5611 Dragonflyv2

11 Sep 2021 17
Common Darter, Sympetrum striolatum (I think) eating a meal. Keston Common

EF7A5614 Dragonflyv2

11 Sep 2021 22
Common Darter, Sympetrum striolatum (I think) eating a meal. Keston Common

EF7A5617 Harvestmanv2

12 Sep 2021 1 2 18
Harvestman from the front garden, TQ 40100 68716

EF7A5747 Ivy Beev2

18 Sep 2021 14
A battered Ivy bee Colletes hederae, from the garden, TQ 40100 68716

EF7A5754 Ivy Beev2

18 Sep 2021 19
Ivy bee Colletes hederae, from the garden, TQ 40100 68716

EF7A5788 Honey Beev2

25 Sep 2021 17
Honey bee, Apis mellifera on top of the waterbutt, TQ 40100 68716

EF7A5811 Centipedev2

18 Sep 2021 26
Centipede stack of 2 photos from the garden

42 items in total