aphidimg 6411 50722663938 o

Bromley Macro Nov to Dec try 2

aphidimg 6411 50722663938 o

06 Dec 2020 20
Aphid on leaf litter, from the back garden. The real size is 1.21 mm, magnification is 6.02

caterpillar img 5903 50665545237 o

14 Nov 2020 20
Caterpillar unknown type probably bramble feeding, on music paper. The real size is 4.48 mm, magnification is 3.78 a stack of 7 photos

caterpillar img 5912 50664722678 o

14 Nov 2020 20
Caterpillar on music paper, probably bramble feeding. The real size is 4.48 mm, magnification is 3.78 A stack of 5 photos

img 5641springtailv13 50614483812 o

06 Nov 2020 17
Springtail from the garden, the real size is 1.1 mm, magnification is 5.46

img 5661springtail 50614372616 o

06 Nov 2020 15
Springtail from the garden, The real size is 0.88 mm, magnification is 6.02

img 5689spider 50638280772 o

09 Nov 2020 22
Male Spider, The real size is 3.93 mm, magnification is 1.4

img 5691spider 50638280552 o

img 5738bug 50654470496 o

10 Nov 2020 20
Immature bug from leaf litter in the garden, The real size is 3.37 mm, magnification is 2.8

img 5743springtail 50653730848 o

11 Nov 2020 21
Springtail from leaf litter, The real size is 1.58 mm, magnification is 4.6

img 5775springtail 50654557892 o

12 Nov 2020 20
Springtail from the garden on leaf litter. The real size is 1.76 mm, magnification is 5.46

img 5810springtail 50661321677 o

13 Nov 2020 27
Springtail on a leaf stem from the garden. The real size is 1.5 mm, magnification is 4.19

img 5812hoverfly 50660499668 o

13 Nov 2020 19
Hoverfly larva on leaflitter from my garden, The real size is 7.68 mm, magnification is 2.1

img 5816hoverfly 50661321222 o

13 Nov 2020 21
Hoverfly larva from the garden, The real size is 7.68 mm, magnification is 2.1

img 5828springtail 50661320982 o

13 Nov 2020 17
Springtail from the garden, The real size is 1.18 mm, magnification is 5.46

img 5914springtail 50669500251 o

15 Nov 2020 23
Springtail on a leaf, The real size is 1.38 mm, magnification is 4.62

img 5933barkfly 50668749983 o

15 Nov 2020 18
Barkfly on a leaf, The real size is 1.66 mm, magnification is 3.08

img 5991mite 50676546746 o

22 Nov 2020 20
These mites are quite common but very tricky to photograph. From the way it moves its long leg I would guess that it is predatory. Not a great photo, probably the most difficult thing I have ever photographed. Magnification is 5.18, body size 0.46 mm, long leg 2.13 mm

img 5994mite 50676631087 o

22 Nov 2020 19
MIte from the allotment, the real size is 1.22 mm, magnification is 5.18

66 items in total