BeetleIMG 3053

Bromley Macro May to June 2020

BeetleIMG 3053

02 May 2020 31
Beetle in dandelion flower, from the garden. The real size is 2.31 mm, magnification is 3.78

IMG 2842Unknown

08 May 2020 24
I am not sure what this is from the pond

SpideronHeatherIMG 2746

08 May 2020 29
Spider on heather from BR7

BeeIMG 2685

06 May 2020 24
Carder bee? From the allotment

HoverflyIMG 2695

06 May 2020 23
Hoverfly, TQ 39906 69215, Queens Mead Recreation Ground

HoverflyIMG 2740

08 May 2020 33
Hoverfly, TQ 40086 68719

IMG 2845Hoverfly

08 May 2020 26
Hoverfly, TQ 40086 68719

ShieldbugIMG 2670

06 May 2020 31
Common shield bug, Palomena prasina. TQ 40088 68717

ShieldbugIMG 2696

06 May 2020 26
Dock shield bug, Coreus marginatus. , TQ 39906 69215, Queens Mead Recreation Ground

ShieldBugIMG 2721

08 May 2020 1 27
Shield bug, not sure of ID. TQ 42858 70804

AntIMG 3200

08 May 2020 31
Lasius flavus worker with larva 3.0 Mag, BR7. The real size of the worker is 3.32 mm, larva 2.38 mm

BeetleIMG 3222

08 May 2020 21
Beetle, not sure of species. The real size is 6.46 mm, magnification is 1.4

BeetleIMG 3142

06 May 2020 21
Dark form of Anthrenus verbasci, variagated carpet beetle. The real size is 3.12 mm, magnification is 3.78

WoodlouseIMG 3178v2

08 May 2020 28
Ant Woodlouse, Platyarthrus hoffmannseggi, The real size is 1.73 mm, magnification is 3.78, BR7

FlyIMG 3160

06 May 2020 21
Queensmead park BromleyThe real size is 5.62 mm, magnification is 1.4

ShieldbugIMG 2852

SpiderIMG 3261

09 May 2020 20
Spder on ivy in the back garden, The real size is 5.9 mm, magnification is 1.4

FroghopperIMG 3257

09 May 2020 23
Common Froghopper, Philaenus spumarius on a White Currant Bush. The real size is 6.52 mm, magnification is 1.4

137 items in total