Pigeon EF7A0222

Bromley Birds March to June 2020

80 visits  |  Translate into English

13 Mar 2020

50 visits

Pigeon EF7A0222

Churchill Gardens

13 Mar 2020

47 visits

Robin EF7A0241

Churchill Gardens

24 Apr 2020

28 visits

Sparrow EF7A0561

Sparrow from the allotment

24 Apr 2020

30 visits

Pigeon EF7A0555

From the allotment

07 Apr 2020

27 visits

Pigeon EF7A0521

St Marks School Carpark

06 Apr 2020

44 visits

Fox in the backgarden EF7A02050

Through a window unfortunately

24 May 2020

25 visits


Carrion Crow, Corvus corone, Churchill gardens, Bromley

24 May 2020

21 visits


Mallard pair, Anas platyrhynchos, Churchill gardens, Bromley

24 May 2020

26 visits


Brown rat, Rattus norvegicus, Churchill gardens, pond, Bromley
14 items in total