LeafhopperIMG 1440

2019 -Nov - Dec Bromley Macro

LeafhopperIMG 1440

01 Nov 2019 85
A Bramble Leafhopper (Ribautiana tenerrima) Stack of 5 photos at 3.3 Mag, the real size is 3.27 mm, magnifcation is 3.3, BR2

BeetleIMG 1460v2

01 Nov 2019 73
An unusual beetle, more of a record shot than a good one, real size is 1.82 mm, magnifcation is 3.9

BeetlelarvaIMG 1474

01 Nov 2019 64
Beetle larva (?) real size is 1.78 mm, magnifcation is 3.9, BR2 under a stone

CentipedeIMG 1514

03 Nov 2019 69
Centipde stack on top of a water butt - first time I have seen on there. The real size is 6.23 mm, magnifcation is 1.4, my garden.

SpringtailIMG 1526

03 Nov 2019 75
Springtail, stack of 2 photos, the real size is 1.67 mm, magnifcation is 3.7. From my garden

LeafhopperIMG 1440retouched

01 Nov 2019 1 78
A Bramble Leafhopper (Ribautiana tenerrima) Stack of 5 photos at 3.3 Mag, the real size is 3.27 mm, magnifcation is 3.3, BR2

SpringtailIMG 1523

03 Nov 2019 1 2 46
Springtail, real size is 1.63 mm, magnifcation is 3.3

FlyIMG 1544

04 Nov 2019 36
Fly stack of 2 shots at 3.7 Mag, the real size is 2.65 mm, magnifcation is 2.7. On a mirror

PlanthopperIMG 1487

03 Nov 2019 76
Plant hopper, the real size is 1.22 mm, magnifcation is 4.3 on my bean bag. On the allotment

CentipedeIMG 7661

FlowersIMG 7596

IMG 7410Flowers

IMG 7638MysteryPlant

IMG 7674Wasp

SpringtailIMG 1607

16 Nov 2019 62
Springtail, the real size is 1.64 mm, magnifcation is 2.7. Maybe Dicyrtomina saundersi

SpiderIMG 1631

16 Nov 2019 76
Spider stack of two photos, the real size is 3.21 mm, magnifcation is 2.2, from the allotment

SpiderIMG 1633

16 Nov 2019 81
Spider stack of 2 shots, the real size is 3.21 mm, magnifcation is 1.8, from the allotment

WoodlouseIMG 1620

16 Nov 2019 73
Woodlouse, the real size is 10.2 mm, magnifcation is 1.2. In my garden

45 items in total