SpiderIMG 6396

Bromley Macro Sep to Oct 209

SpiderIMG 6396

26 Aug 2019 30
Garden Spider, Araneus diadematus, BR2

MothIMG 6403

31 Aug 2019 49
Moth, BR2, Bromley,

HoverflyIMG 6408-1

01 Sep 2019 29
Hoverfly, TQ 40081 68698

BeetlelarvaIMG 6508

08 Sep 2019 26
Beetle larva, on a bean bag - no idea how it ended up there

RedAdmiralIMG 6494

07 Sep 2019 1 63
Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta, on the allotment - always a pain to photograph, Bromley

ShieldbugsIMG 6496

07 Sep 2019 1 28
Shield bugs on the allotments - two different species

BugIMG 6497

07 Sep 2019 44
I think Greenshield Bug, Palomena prasina, bromley, br2

PlantIMG 6499

07 Sep 2019 61
Unknown plant, any idea what this?

HoverflyIMG 6565

14 Sep 2019 45
Hoverfly, laying eggs TQ 47593 59468

AntsIMG 6557

14 Sep 2019 47
Ants on a pear - on the allotment

PseudoscorpionIMG 1246

07 Sep 2019 1 48
Pseudoscorpion, The real size is 1.61 mm, magnifcation is 3.0, bromley br2

FlyIMG 1234

26 Aug 2019 32
The real size is 3.88 mm, magnifcation is 1.4, Palloptera muliebris second one this year - never seen before. Or could it be the same one as I saw 3 months ago???

SpiderIMG 1245

07 Sep 2019 27
Body size is 2.73 mm, magnifcation is 1.4, bromley br2

SpiderIMG 1237

01 Sep 2019 44
Spider, The real size is 2.66 mm, magnifcation is 1.0, Bromley BR2

AphidIMG 1248

07 Sep 2019 22
Aphid at 3.9 Mag, about 0.6 mm long

PseudoscorpionIMG 1251

07 Sep 2019 1 59

SpiderIMG 6582

14 Sep 2019 52
Male House Spider, Tegenaria domestica, stack of 5

SpiderIMG 6588

14 Sep 2019 47
Male House Spider, Tegenaria domestica, stack of 5

43 items in total