RedBeltedClearwingIMG 5098

Bromley Macro June July 2019

RedBeltedClearwingIMG 5098

15 Jun 2019 57
Red-belted Clearwing, Synanthedon myopaeformis - I found this on my neighbours wall, Bromley

CaterpillarIMG 4987

05 Jun 2019 33
Caterpillar on my arm

BugIMG 4990

08 Jun 2019 48
In my house on an orchid Bromley, June 2019

OrchidIMG 4989

08 Jun 2019 39
Bug on Orchid Flower, not sure what species it is, the orchid was in the house


14 Jun 2019 27
I think White tailed Bumblebee, Bombus lucorum, Bromley a stack of two photos


16 Jun 2019 23
Greenbottle, Churchill Gardens, Bromley, Father's day June2019, a stack of 3 photos


16 Jun 2019 49
Green bottle, Churchill Gardens Fathers day 2019

BumblebeeIMG 5156

16 Jun 2019 46
Bumblebee not sure of ID, on Bramble flower

IrisIMG 5154

16 Jun 2019 30
Yellow flag Iris, my garden

Bug IMG_5145

16 Jun 2019 25
Bromley June 2019 from my garden

BumblebeeIMG 5148

16 Jun 2019 44
Bumblebee Bromley

LadybirdIMG 5145

16 Jun 2019 27
Harlequin ladybird larva, Harmonia axyridis, Bromley, June 2019

SpiderIMG 5089

15 Jun 2019 50
Spider Kingswood Glen Bromley 15th Jun 2019

FlyIMG 5085

15 Jun 2019 48
Fly, Kingswood Glen, Bromley June 2019

SpiderIMG 5084

15 Jun 2019 53
Spider, Kingswood Glen, Bromley, 15th June

GallIMG 5059

15 Jun 2019 50
Gall, Kingswood Glen, Bromley 15 th June

WaspIMG 5054

14 Jun 2019 43
Wasp not sure of species, Bromley June 2019

BumblebeeIMG 5041

14 Jun 2019 42
Bumblebee on Bramble flower

68 items in total