LeafinsectIMG 3702

Bromley Macro Jan to Mar 2019

LeafinsectIMG 3702

20 Jan 2019 45
Phyllium bioculatum and Dares Philipensis

SpringtailIMG 3443

01 Jan 2019 41
Springtail Bromley Kent at 3.0 Mag, about 1.6mm long

SpiderIMG 3450

12 Jan 2019 58
Spider at 1.0 Mag about 8mm body length, Bromley Kent

SpiderIMG 3449

12 Jan 2019 57
Spider at 1.0 Mag about 8mm body length, Bromley Kent

SpringtailIMG 3460

13 Jan 2019 45
Stack of 3 shots at 2.2 Mag, real size 3.5 mm long

SpringtailIMG 3468

03 Feb 2019 22
At 3.0 Mag, 1.2 mm

SpringtailIMG 3465

03 Feb 2019 48
At 2.7 Mag, about 2mm long

WoodlouseIMG 3752

03 Feb 2019 38
Woodlouse not sure of species on newspaper

WoodliceIMG 3753

03 Feb 2019 41
Woodlice on newspaper


16 Feb 2019 51
Springtail at 2.2 Mag about 3.3 mm long


16 Feb 2019 59
Hopper 3.3 mm long at 2.0 mag


11 Feb 2019 32
Weevil at 2.0 Mag about 3.3 mm long


11 Feb 2019 61
Weevil at 1.8 Mag, found in the house about 3.3 mm long


03 Feb 2019 42
Centipede stack of 2 at 2.0 Mag body length in photo about 6mm, antennae 4mm

SpringtailIMG 3476

03 Feb 2019 42
Springtail at 3.0 Mag, about 1.8 mm long

SpringtailIMG 3474

03 Feb 2019 46
Springtail at 3.0 Mag, about 1.8 mm long

SpringtailIMG 3472

03 Feb 2019 60
Springtail at 3.0 Mag, about 1.8 mm long


05 Mar 2019 41
Centipede Bromley, Kent, UK, 3.0 Mag body 4mm long head from one side to another, about 0.8 mm wide

49 items in total