
Macro Bromley Sept to Dec 2018

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09 Jul 2018 62
Harvestman Stack Bromley September 2018


19 Jul 2018 34
Harvestman Bromley September


27 Aug 2018 58
Spider Bromley Aug 2018

AphidIMG 3399

LacewingIMG 3395

27 Aug 2018 1 24
Lacewing Bromley August 2018

HoverflyIMG 3402

27 Aug 2018 1 56
Hoverfly Bromley 27th Aug 2018, TQ 40117 68782

CaterpillarIMG 3405

27 Aug 2018 43
Caterpillar, on my hand, Bromley 27th Aug 2018,

CockchaferIMG 3412

27 Aug 2018 1 48
Cockchafer grub Bromley 27th Aug 2018, on my hand. Sadly I never see the adults

SpiderIMG 3436

29 Aug 2018 67
Maybe Tegenaria domestica, Bromley Aug 2018, I rarely see these now days

HoverflyIMG 3440

31 Aug 2018 2 41
Bromley Approximate GPS TQ 40117 68782

WeevilIMG 3279

01 Oct 2018 36
Weevil on my finger at 1.0 Mag about 10 mm long

MiteIMG 3202

15 Sep 2018 43
Mite at 2.4 Mag about 1.8mm long

SilverfishIMG 3190

12 Sep 2018 27
Silverfish from my house - first time I have seen for about 2- years

MiteIMG 3287

09 Oct 2018 57
Mite at 2.4 Mag my Garden Bromley

SpringtailIMG 3333

27 Oct 2018 25
Springtail, Bromley Kent, at 2.7 Mag


16 Sep 2018 37
Stack of eggs on a bramble leaf - not sure what they are, at 1.5 Mag

SpringtailIMG 3286

09 Oct 2018 49
Springtail Bromley at 2.0 Mag only slightly cropped about 3.3 mm long

SpringtailIMG 3335

27 Oct 2018 1 56
Orchesella cincta, Bromley Kent,

49 items in total