Butterfly IMG_5699

Garden Macro July August 2017

Explore this photo album by davholla2002 on Flickr!

Butterfly IMG_5699

02 Jul 2017 65
Comma Polygonia c-album BR2 5th July

Comma IMG_5709

02 Jul 2017 39
Comma Polygonia c-album BR2 5th July

Mayfly IMG_5712

05 Jul 2017 51
Mayfly on my kitchen wall

Moth IMG_5625

28 Jun 2017 56
Endrosis sarcitrella, white shoulder moth, unusual form or something else?

Moth IMG_5626

28 Jun 2017 39
White shoulder moth,Endrosis sarcitrella normal form

Bee IMG_5835

15 Jul 2017 53
Bee BR7 15th July

Butterfly IMG_5844

15 Jul 2017 57
Butterfly Chislehurst 15th July

Bumblebee IMG_5855

15 Jul 2017 49
Bumblebee Chislehurst 15th July

Bumblebee IMG_5831

15 Jul 2017 47
Bumblebee, not sure what the id is Chislehurst 15th July

Bumblebee IMG_5833

15 Jul 2017 34
Bumblebee, not sure what the id is Chislehurst 15th July

Hoverfly IMG_5862

15 Jul 2017 50
Hoverfly 15 th July

Hoverfly IMG_5865

15 Jul 2017 57
Hoverfly 15th July

Wolf spider IMG_5826

15 Jul 2017 30
Wolf spider with egg sac IMG_5826

Fulmar(?) EF7A3240

12 Apr 2017 32
Fulmar from Bempton April 2017

Hoverfly EF7A6118

15 Jul 2017 53
Mag 1.4 BR75DU 15th July,

Mayfly EF7A6057

05 Jul 2017 51
Mayfly from June

Caterpillar EF7A6047

03 Jul 2017 50
Caterpillar on a bramble leaf

Ants EF7A5972

02 Jul 2017 39
Ants not sure what species coming from the outside of my house

42 items in total