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EF7A9993 hopper
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Camera: Canon EOS 7D Mark II
Exposure:0.004 sec. (1/250)
Focal Length:60.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 94.6 mm)
Flash:On, Fired
Exposure mode:Manual
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Original Date:2024:06:01 13:37:17.61
Created on:2024:06:01 13:37:17.61
Modified on:2024:07:16 14:27:11.61
Software:RawTherapee 5.9
AEB Auto CancelOn
AEB Sequence-,0,+
AEB Shot CountUnknown (7); 3
AF Area ModeSingle-point AF
AF Image Height3648
AF Image Width5472
AF Points In Focus39
AF Points Selected39
Add Aspect Ratio InfoOff
Aperture RangeDisable; Closed 91; Open 1
Aspect Ratio3:2
Camera ISOAuto
Camera Temperature24 C
Camera TypeEOS High-end
Canon Exposure ModeManual
Canon Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.1.3
Canon Flash ModeExternal flash
Canon Image SizeUnknown (-1)
Canon Model IDUnknown (0x80000289)
Circle Of Confusion0.019 mm
Color Data VersionUnknown (11)
Color SpacesRGB
Color ToneNormal
Continuous DriveContinuous, High
Continuous Shooting SpeedDisable; Hi 10; Lo 3; 4
Crop Bottom Margin0
Crop Left Margin0
Crop Right Margin0
Crop Top Margin0
Cropped Image Height3648
Cropped Image Left0
Cropped Image Top0
Cropped Image Width5472
Custom Controls0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 254 255 0 3 112 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 80 0 0 0 7 3 0 255 255 255 0 255 255 255
Custom RenderedNormal
Default Erase OptionCancel selected
DescriptionRed-and-black Froghopper, Cercopis vulnerata, .Hutchinson's Bank Nature Reserve, New Addington TQ 38029 61893
Device Mfg DescRawTherapee
Dial Direction Tv AvNormal
Digital ZoomNone
Drive ModeContinuous Shooting
Easy ModeManual
Exif Version0230
Exposure Level Increments1/3 Stop
Exposure ModeManual
Field Of View21.5 deg
Flash Activity147
Flash BitsE-TTL, External
Flash Exposure Compensation-1
Flash TypeExternal
Focal Plane Resolution Unitinches
Focal Plane X Resolution6086.76307
Focal Plane Y Resolution6090.15025
Focal Units1/mm
Focus ModeOne-shot AF
Focus RangeNot Known
Focusing ScreenEc-CIV
Hyperfocal Distance11.81 m
ISO Speed Increments1/3 Stop
Image Size2703x1929
Lens60.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 94.6 mm)
Lens IDCanon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM
Lens Info60mm f/0
Lens ModelEF-S60mm f/2.8 Macro USM
Lens TypeCanon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM
Light Value14.0
Macro ModeNormal
Manual Flash Outputn/a
Max Aperture2.8
Max Focal Length60 mm
Measured RGGB641 1024 1024 524
Metering ModeEvaluative
Min Aperture32
Min Focal Length60 mm
Multi Function LockOff; Quick control dial
Num AF Points65
Optical Zoom Coden/a
Photometric InterpretationRGB
Planar ConfigurationChunky
Recommended Exposure Index400
Record ModeCR2
Red Eye ReductionOff
Resolution Unitinches
SRAW Qualityn/a
Safety ShiftDisable
Samples Per Pixel3
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.6
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Self TimerOff
Shooting ModeManual
Shutter Curtain Sync1st-curtain sync
Shutter Speed RangeEnable; Hi 1/8192; Lo 32
Sub Sec Time61
Sub Sec Time Digitized61
Sub Sec Time Original61
VRD Offset0
Valid AF Points65
Viewfinder WarningsMonochrome, WB corrected, One-touch image quality, [6]
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.1.2
Zoom Source Width0
Zoom Target Width0