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IMG 1064 Beetlesv2
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Camera: Canon EOS 90D
Exposure:0.004 sec. (1/250)
Focal Length:60.0 mm
Flash:On, Fired
Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Dimension:5050 x 4650 pixels
Original Date:2022:06:05 18:18:00
Modified on:2022:06:24 16:30:06
Software:PaintShop Pro 23.00
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
DescriptionBeetles on bramble, TQ 40104 68783
Exif Version0220
Exposure Compensation0
Flash FiredTrue
Flash FunctionFalse
Flash ModeOn
Flash Red Eye ModeFalse
Flash ReturnNo return detection
History.# SmartPhotoFix....'UseGrey Balance': True, ....'GreyBalanceSampleLis t': [.....(211,0.0982786,0.794042, 0.639604),.....(0,0,0,0),..... (0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0),..... (0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0),..... (0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0),..... (0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0),..... (0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0),..... (0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0),..... (0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0),..... (0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0),..... (0,0,0,0),.....(0,0,0,0)....], ....'BlackPoint': 3, ....'WhitePoint': 100, ....'Highlights': -15, ....'Brightness': 0, ....'Shadows': 25, ....'Saturation': 0, ....'Sharpness': 44, ....'PointList': []....16/06/2022 16:13:27 # File 'IMG_1064_Beetlesv2.jpg&# 039; saved......# AddBorders....'Bottom 9;: 15, ....'Left': 15, ....'Right': 15, ....'Symmetric': False, ....'Top': 15, ....'Color': (251,251,251), ....'DimUnits': App.Constants.UnitsOfMeasure.P ixels....24/06/2022 15:28:35 # File 'IMG_1064_Beetlesv2.jpg&# 039; saved.....
ISO1600, 0
Image Size5050x4650
Lens ModelCanon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM
Light Value12.0
Resolution Unitinches
Thumbnail Offset1028
XMP ToolkitXMP Core 5.1.2