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Lava Wall Texture
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Camera: PENTAX K200D
Exposure:0.0125 sec. (1/80)
Focal Length:28.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 42.0 mm)
Flash:Off, Did not fire
Exposure mode:Program AE
Resolution:72 x 72 dpi
Original Date:2016:07:22 14:46:37
Created on:2016:07:22 14:46:37
Modified on:2018:02:13 12:01:55.89
Software:Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 (Windows)
AE Aperture4.8
AE Exposure Time1/72
AE LockOff
AE Max Aperture4.0
AE Max Aperture 24.0
AE Metering ModeCenter-weighted average
AE Metering Segments9.6 9.8 9.8 9.9 9.5 10.2 9.5 9.8 9.6 9.6 9.9 9.9 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.9
AE Min Aperture27
AE Min Exposure Time1/3862
AE Program ModeStandard
AE Xv0
AF Adjustment0
AF Defocus3
AF Integration Time6 ms
AF Point ModeSelect
AF Point SelectedCenter
AF Point Selected 2Center
AF Points In FocusCenter (vertical)
AF Predictor5
Analog Balance1 1 1
Anti Alias Strength1
Aperture Ring UsePermitted
As Shot Neutral0.5663716814 1 0.7356321839
Auto ApertureOn
Auto Bracketing0 EV, No Extended Bracket
Baseline Exposure-0.5
Baseline Noise1
Baseline Sharpness1
Bayer Green Split0
Bits Per Sample12
Black Level0 0 0 0
Black Level Repeat Dim2 2
Black Point0 0 0 0
Body Battery A/D Load111
Body Battery A/D No Load130
Body Battery StateRunning Low
Bracket Shot Numbern/a
CFA LayoutRectangular
CFA Pattern[Red,Green][Green,Blue]
CFA Pattern 20 1 1 2
CFA Repeat Pattern Dim2 2
CPU Firmware Version1.00.00.03
Calibration Illuminant 1Standard Light A
Calibration Illuminant 2D65
Camera Temperature35 C
Circle Of Confusion0.020 mm
Color Matrix 11.788482666 -0.9415435791 0.03894042969 -0.5567016602 1.375534058 0.6632232666 0.01821899414 -0.03288269043 1.314956665
Color Matrix 21.034805298 -0.3373260498 -0.1081085205 -0.4821624756 1.220962524 0.2179870605 -0.02639770508 0.03512573242 0.758392334
Color SpaceAdobe RGB
Color Temp Cloudy6000 +5 +2
Color Temp Daylight5205 -5 +2
Color Temp Flash5420 0 0
Color Temp Fluorescent D5816 -6 +7
Color Temp Fluorescent N4790 +3 +4
Color Temp Fluorescent W4142 +5 +5
Color Temp Shade8000 -6 +1
Color Temp Tungsten2857 +2 +3
ContrastMed High
Custom RenderedNormal
DNG Backward Version1.1.0.0
DNG Version1.1.0.0
DSP Firmware Version1.00.00.03
Date Created2016:07:22 14:46:37
Default Crop Origin8 8
Default Crop Size3872 2592
Default Scale1 1
Drive ModeSingle-frame; No Timer; Shutter Button; Single Exposure
Drive Mode 2Single-frame
Dynamic Range ExpansionOff
E-Dial In ProgramP Shift
EV Steps1/3 EV Steps
Effective LV10.8
Exif Version0221
Exposure Bracket Step Size1.7
Exposure Compensation0
Exposure ModeAuto
External Flash Bouncen/a
External Flash Exposure Compn/a
External Flash Guide Numbern/a
External Flash ModeOff
Field Of View46.4 deg
Fine SharpnessOff
Flash Exposure Comp-1.3
Flash Exposure Comp. Setting-1.3
Flash Metering Segments0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Flash ModeOff, Did not fire; Internal
Flash OptionsRed-eye reduction
Flash StatusOff
Focal Length In 35mm Format42 mm
Focus ModeAF-S
Focus Mode 2AF-S
High ISO Noise ReductionWeak
History Actionsaved, saved
History Changed/metadata, /metadata
History Instance IDxmp.iid:3a25cde0-6ab3-3e4e-be0 3-a7aadf618096, xmp.iid:9772630d-4509-654f-ac1 e-a48053aa062e
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 (Windows)
History When2018:02:07 17:50:54-05:00, 2018:02:13 12:02:01-05:00
Hyperfocal Distance7.83 m
ISO Floor100
Image Area Offset8 8
Image Height2624
Image Size3936x2624
Image ToneBright
Image Width3936
Internal Flash ModeDid not fire, Red-eye reduction
Internal Flash Strength0
Kelvin WB 012500 0 0.8597412109375 2.710693359375
Kelvin WB 022630 0 0.916748046875 2.5152587890625
Kelvin WB 032780 0 0.9771728515625 2.334716796875
Kelvin WB 042940 0 1.04150390625 2.16796875
Kelvin WB 053130 0 1.1099853515625 2.012451171875
Kelvin WB 063330 0 1.1826171875 1.8690185546875
Kelvin WB 073570 0 1.2596435546875 1.7357177734375
Kelvin WB 083850 0 1.3409423828125 1.6116943359375
Kelvin WB 094170 0 1.426513671875 1.4971923828125
Kelvin WB 104550 0 1.515380859375 1.3912353515625
Kelvin WB 115000 0 1.60791015625 1.29296875
Kelvin WB 125560 0 1.70263671875 1.2020263671875
Kelvin WB 136250 0 1.7982177734375 1.11865234375
Kelvin WB 147140 0 1.893310546875 1.0423583984375
Kelvin WB 158330 0 1.9857177734375 0.972900390625
Kelvin WB 1610000 0 2.0732421875 0.9100341796875
Kelvin WB Daylight5205 0 1.6448974609375 1.2562255859375
LensTAMRON XR DiII 18-200mm F3.5-6.3
Lens F Stops5.5
Lens IDTamron XR DiII 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 (A14)
Lens Info18-200mm f/3.5-6.3
Lens ModelTAMRON XR DiII 18-200mm F3.5-6.3
Lens Specification18, 200, 3.5, 6.3
Lens TypeTamron XR DiII 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 (A14)
Light Value11.0
Linear Response Limit1
Max Aperture4.0
Metadata Date2018:02:13 12:02:01-05:00
Metering ModeCenter-weighted average
Metering Mode 2Center-weighted average
Min Aperture32
Monochrome Filter EffectNone
Monochrome ToningNone
Multiple Exposure SetOff
Noise ReductionOff
Nominal Max Aperture4.0
Nominal Min Aperture27
Original Document IDF9E790060C4FC05BB8FCD2350A1795 3A
Pentax Model IDK200D
Pentax Model Type0
Pentax Version4.1.2.0
Photographic Sensitivity100
Photometric InterpretationColor Filter Array
Picture ModeAuto PICT (Standard); 1/3 EV steps
Picture Mode 2Auto PICT
Planar ConfigurationChunky
Power SourceBody Battery
Preview Image Borders26 26 0 0
Primary Chromaticities0.64 0.33 0.21 0.71 0.15 0.06
Production Code2.2
Program LineNormal
Raw Development Process1 (K10D,K200D,K2000,K-m)
Raw File Name_IGP2230-1-9.dng
Raw Image Size3872x2592
Resolution Unitinches
Rows Per Strip2624
SR Focal Length28 mm
SR Half Press Time1.37 s
SR ResultStabilized
Samples Per Pixel1
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent1.5
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Sensing MethodOne-chip color area
Sensitivity StepsAs EV Steps
Sensor Size23.788 x 15.924 mm
Shake ReductionOn (7)
SharpnessMed Hard
Shutter Count29121
Slave Flash Metering Segments0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Strip Byte Counts15492096
Strip Offsets161832
Sub Sec Time89
Subfile TypeReduced-resolution image
Subject Distance RangeClose
TTL DA A Down0
TTL DA B Down0
Unique Camera ModelPENTAX K200D
WB RGGB Levels Cloudy14560 8192 8123 9375
WB RGGB Levels Daylight13824 8192 8123 10558
WB RGGB Levels Flash13824 8192 8123 10558
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent D17376 8192 8123 9830
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent N14528 8192 8123 11195
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent W13088 8192 8123 13562
WB RGGB Levels Shade16128 8192 8123 8100
WB RGGB Levels Tungsten8192 8192 8123 23301
White BalanceAuto
White Balance Auto AdjustmentOn
White Balance ModeAuto (Daylight)
White Balance SetAuto
White Level4095
White Point14464 8192 8192 11136
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.5-c002 1.148022, 2012/07/15-18:06:45
Y Cb Cr Coefficients0.299 0.587 0.114
Y Cb Cr PositioningCo-sited
Y Cb Cr Sub SamplingYCbCr4:2:2 (2 1)