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Camera: | PENTAX K200D |
Exposure: | 0.01667 sec. (1/60) |
Aperture: | f/7.1 |
Focal Length: | 48.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 72.0 mm) |
Flash: | Off, Did not fire |
Exposure mode: | Landscape |
Original Date: | 2017:08:19 20:19:14 |
Created on: | 2017:08:19 20:19:14 |
Modified on: | 2017:08:24 18:07:56 |
Software: | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 (Windows) |
AE Aperture | 7.0 |
AEB Xv | 0 |
AE Exposure Time | 1/66 |
AE ISO | 109 |
AE Lock | Off |
AE Max Aperture | 4.8 |
AE Max Aperture 2 | 4.8 |
AE Metering Mode | Center-weighted average |
AE Metering Segments | 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.0 10.4 10.5 10.1 10.2 10.2 10.0 10.5 10.2 10.8 10.5 9.8 10.4 |
AE Min Aperture | 32 |
AE Min Exposure Time | 1/3862 |
AE Program Mode | Landscape |
AE Xv | 0.375 |
AF Adjustment | 0 |
AF Defocus | 4 |
AF Integration Time | 2 ms |
AF Point Mode | Select |
AF Point Selected | Center |
AF Point Selected 2 | Center |
AF Points In Focus | Center (horizontal) |
AF Predictor | 6 |
Active Area | 0 0 2624 3936 |
Analog Balance | 1 1 1 |
Anti Alias Strength | 1 |
Aperture Ring Use | Permitted |
As Shot Neutral | 0.588506 1 0.764179 |
Auto Aperture | On |
Auto Bracketing | 0 EV, No Extended Bracket |
Baseline Exposure | -0.5 |
Baseline Noise | 1 |
Baseline Sharpness | 1 |
Bayer Green Split | 0 |
Best Quality Scale | 1 |
Bits Per Sample | 16 |
Black Level | 0 0 0 0 |
Black Level Repeat Dim | 2 2 |
Black Point | 0 0 0 0 |
Body Battery A/D Load | 121 |
Body Battery A/D No Load | 141 |
Body Battery State | Full |
Bracket Shot Number | n/a |
CFA Layout | Rectangular |
CFA Pattern | [Red,Green][Green,Blue] |
CFA Pattern 2 | 0 1 1 2 |
CFA Plane Color | Red,Green,Blue |
CFA Repeat Pattern Dim | 2 2 |
CPU Firmware Version | |
Calibration Illuminant 1 | Standard Light A |
Calibration Illuminant 2 | D65 |
Camera Temperature | 31 C |
Circle Of Confusion | 0.020 mm |
Color Matrix 1 | 1.2904 -0.6794 0.0281 -0.4017 0.9925 0.4785 0.0131 -0.0237 0.9488 |
Color Matrix 2 | 1.1057 -0.3604 -0.1155 -0.5152 1.3046 0.2329 -0.0282 0.0375 0.8104 |
Color Space | Adobe RGB |
Color Temp Cloudy | 6000 +5 +2 |
Color Temp Daylight | 5205 -5 +2 |
Color Temp Flash | 5420 0 0 |
Color Temp Fluorescent D | 5816 -6 +7 |
Color Temp Fluorescent N | 4790 +3 +4 |
Color Temp Fluorescent W | 4142 +5 +5 |
Color Temp Shade | 8000 -6 +1 |
Color Temp Tungsten | 2857 +2 +3 |
Compression | JPEG |
Contrast | High |
Custom Rendered | Normal |
DNG Backward Version | |
DNG Lens Info | 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 |
DNG Version | |
DSP Firmware Version | |
Date Created | 2017:08:19 20:19:14 |
Default Crop Origin | 8 8 |
Default Crop Size | 3872 2592 |
Default Scale | 1 1 |
Derived From Document ID | A0CD97EBBAF445810794E4B2E2386B 4B |
Derived From Original Document ID | A0CD97EBBAF445810794E4B2E2386B 4B |
Drive Mode | Single-frame; No Timer; Shutter Button; Single Exposure |
Drive Mode 2 | Single-frame |
Dynamic Range Expansion | Off |
E-Dial In Program | P Shift |
EV Steps | 1/3 EV Steps |
Effective LV | 11.2 |
Exif Version | 0230 |
Exposure Bracket Step Size | 1.7 |
Exposure Compensation | -0.3 |
Exposure Mode | Manual |
External Flash Bounce | n/a |
External Flash Exposure Comp | n/a |
External Flash Guide Number | n/a |
External Flash Mode | Off |
Field Of View | 28.1 deg |
Fine Sharpness | Off |
Flash Exposure Comp | -1.3 |
Flash Exposure Comp. Setting | -1.3 |
Flash Metering Segments | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
Flash Mode | Off, Did not fire; Internal |
Flash Options | Wireless (Master) |
Flash Status | Off |
Focal Length In 35mm Format | 72 mm |
Focus Mode | AF-S |
Focus Mode 2 | AF-S |
Format | image/dng |
Has Crop | False |
High ISO Noise Reduction | Strong |
History Action | derived, saved |
History Changed | / |
History Instance ID | xmp.iid:c06696e2-a875-2d44-997 6-b5811717dcc5 |
History Parameters | saved to new location |
History Software Agent | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 (Windows) |
History When | 2017:08:24 18:07:56-04:00 |
Hue | Normal |
Hyperfocal Distance | 16.20 m |
ISO | 100 |
ISO Floor | 100 |
Image Area Offset | 8 8 |
Image Height | 2624 |
Image Size | 3936x2624 |
Image Tone | Landscape |
Image Width | 3936 |
Internal Flash Mode | Did not fire, Wireless (Master) |
Internal Flash Strength | 0 |
Kelvin WB 01 | 2500 0 0.8597412109375 2.710693359375 |
Kelvin WB 02 | 2630 0 0.916748046875 2.5152587890625 |
Kelvin WB 03 | 2780 0 0.9771728515625 2.334716796875 |
Kelvin WB 04 | 2940 0 1.04150390625 2.16796875 |
Kelvin WB 05 | 3130 0 1.1099853515625 2.012451171875 |
Kelvin WB 06 | 3330 0 1.1826171875 1.8690185546875 |
Kelvin WB 07 | 3570 0 1.2596435546875 1.7357177734375 |
Kelvin WB 08 | 3850 0 1.3409423828125 1.6116943359375 |
Kelvin WB 09 | 4170 0 1.426513671875 1.4971923828125 |
Kelvin WB 10 | 4550 0 1.515380859375 1.3912353515625 |
Kelvin WB 11 | 5000 0 1.60791015625 1.29296875 |
Kelvin WB 12 | 5560 0 1.70263671875 1.2020263671875 |
Kelvin WB 13 | 6250 0 1.7982177734375 1.11865234375 |
Kelvin WB 14 | 7140 0 1.893310546875 1.0423583984375 |
Kelvin WB 15 | 8330 0 1.9857177734375 0.972900390625 |
Kelvin WB 16 | 10000 0 2.0732421875 0.9100341796875 |
Kelvin WB Daylight | 5205 0 1.6448974609375 1.2562255859375 |
Lens | TAMRON XR DiII 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 |
Lens F Stops | 5.5 |
Lens ID | Tamron XR DiII 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 (A14) |
Lens Info | 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 |
Lens Model | TAMRON XR DiII 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 |
Lens Type | Tamron XR DiII 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 (A14) |
Light Value | 11.6 |
Linear Response Limit | 1 |
Max Aperture | 4.8 |
Metadata Date | 2017:08:24 18:07:56-04:00 |
Metering Mode | Center-weighted average |
Metering Mode 2 | Center-weighted average |
Min Aperture | 32 |
Monochrome Filter Effect | None |
Monochrome Toning | None |
Multiple Exposure Set | Off |
New Raw Image Digest | a21d5e0923993260c68e314e2fc41f 01 |
Noise Reduction | Off |
Nominal Max Aperture | 4.8 |
Nominal Min Aperture | 32 |
Original Document ID | A0CD97EBBAF445810794E4B2E2386B 4B |
Pentax Model ID | K200D |
Pentax Model Type | 0 |
Pentax Version | |
Photometric Interpretation | Color Filter Array |
Picture Mode | Auto PICT (Landscape); 1/3 EV steps |
Picture Mode 2 | Auto PICT |
Planar Configuration | Chunky |
Power Source | Body Battery |
Preview Application Name | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom |
Preview Application Version | 4.4 |
Preview Color Space | 2 |
Preview Date Time | 2017:08:24 18:07:55-04:00 |
Preview Image Borders | 26 26 0 0 |
Preview Settings Digest | cfe729c4b6e8f349b180266ee132e2 d8 |
Production Code | 2.2 |
Profile Embed Policy | Allow Copying |
Profile Name | Embedded |
Program Line | Depth |
Quality | RAW |
Raw Data Unique ID | 0000000000000000076EA39D1D0BB8 53 |
Raw Development Process | 1 (K10D,K200D,K2000,K-m) |
Raw Image Size | 3872x2592 |
Reference Black White | 0 255 128 255 128 255 |
Rows Per Strip | 171 |
SR Focal Length | 48 mm |
SR Half Press Time | 0.85 s |
SR Result | Stabilized |
Samples Per Pixel | 1 |
Saturation | Normal |
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent | 1.5 |
Scene Capture Type | Landscape |
Sensing Method | One-chip color area |
Sensitivity Steps | As EV Steps |
Sensor Size | 23.788 x 15.924 mm |
Shadow Scale | 1 |
Shake Reduction | On (7) |
Sharpness | Med Hard |
Shutter Count | 31220 |
Slave Flash Metering Segments | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
Strip Byte Counts | 131328 |
Strip Offsets | 113212 |
Subfile Type | Reduced-resolution image |
Subject Distance Range | Distant |
TTL DA A Down | 0 |
TTL DA A Up | 0 |
TTL DA B Down | 0 |
TTL DA B Up | 0 |
Tile Byte Counts | 15386 |
Tile Length | 176 |
Tile Offsets | 950624 |
Tile Width | 256 |
Unique Camera Model | PENTAX K200D |
WB RGGB Levels Cloudy | 14560 8192 8192 9375 |
WB RGGB Levels Daylight | 13824 8192 8192 10558 |
WB RGGB Levels Flash | 13824 8192 8192 10558 |
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent D | 17376 8192 8192 9830 |
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent N | 14528 8192 8192 11195 |
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent W | 13088 8192 8192 13562 |
WB RGGB Levels Shade | 16128 8192 8192 8100 |
WB RGGB Levels Tungsten | 8192 8192 8192 23301 |
White Balance | Auto |
White Balance Auto Adjustment | On |
White Balance Mode | Auto (Daylight) |
White Balance Set | Auto |
White Level | 4095 |
White Point | 13920 8192 8192 10720 |
XMP Toolkit | Adobe XMP Core 5.5-c002 1.148022, 2012/07/15-18:06:45 |
Y Cb Cr Coefficients | 0.299 0.587 0.114 |
Y Cb Cr Positioning | Co-sited |
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling | YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2) |
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