C-3PO's photos

do you like a water-bonbon

who lost the red shoe ??

I´m tired....and waiting for better times ..hope t…

27 Jan 2010 1 268
from my kitchenwindow...we have our breakfast together !!

"Durch diese hohle gasse muss er kommen.....

ein Spaziergang durch Steyr....

perchtenlauf sleep well


13 Dec 2009 1 510
meine welt der wassertropfen !!


hello ..where are you ?

I´m coming......

my bag...

Somewhere over the rainbow.

11 Dec 2008 2 386
a waterbottle

am horizont !

30 Nov 2007 1 265
a waterbottle

a peacefull world...................

87 items in total

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