
Objects Vol. 2

Northern Ireland

29 May 2016 2 6 487
From my parents' travels. See the inserts for more entertainment. AA305 Red/green.

Graham Kerr

29 May 2016 2 12 571
See inserts for more fun!

So many books, so little time...

Children's section

29 May 2016 372
My granddaughter is sitting on the red and blue couch with a pile of books.

Primo Levi, my next project

This is where they put Grandpa

17 Jul 2016 10 17 814
It can't hold a candle to this one, though: AA290 Funny.

Dad's language book, late 1960s

My father's book, early 1970s

04 Jun 2013 2 4 435
Just for fun, I looked up Eva Keuls. She is a scholar of ancient Greek topics, now aged 94. Her most notable book is The Reign of the Phallus: Sexual Politics in Ancient Athens , 1st published 1985, Univ California Press. It is still in print. She has written and lectured extensively on the general topic of the uses of sexual power of the ancient Greeks. Who knew?! Now, I wonder what Kees Scherer has been up to?

Sofa with big screen TV

Welcome to my home

223 items in total