Barbara Elene


Barbara Elene

Norwegian immigrant

12 Jan 2011 1 3 491
A sizable number of Norwegians and Swedes immigrated to the Pacific Northwest of the USA to work as fishermen and loggers, though not nearly as many as in the Dakotas and Minnesota. Haakon "Bob" Jacobsen (above) 1892-1966, was born in Stavanger, Norway. I looked up Stavanger on Google Earth. It is a large city in the SW. I wonder if he has family there, still.

A modest grave

12 Jan 2011 2 411
This is a pauper's grave, but at least the funeral home provided a decent marker. I learned that the Keno Cemetery was used for indigent people, including infants, from the larger town of Klamath Falls 15 miles away.

Civil War veteran

12 Jan 2011 297
This was a Confederate soldier from Missouri, David S. McCollum (1837-1923). I was very surprised to learn recently that Oregon sided with the Confederacy during the U.S. Civil War, so perhaps he felt welcome here. The stone in the back is his original one, but is barely legible. I don't know who paid for the newer one.

W. H. G.

Keno Cemetery

12 Jan 2011 421
Keno, Oregon, USA. This old cemetery, established by pioneers in the early-19th century, is cleaned up about once a year by volunteers. The most recent burial was about 10 years ago. There are many unmarked graves here, most likely belonging to transient single men who came "out west" to work on ranches and in the woods. Some are possibly infants born of "fallen women" from the larger town of Klamath Falls. That's how it was in those days, no respect paid to the poor and illegitimate. AA254 Quiet.

Old farmers


12 Jan 2011 348
AA293 Stillness.

Gordon family plot

12 Jan 2011 1 3 373
AA293 Stillness.

Catholic cemetery

Catholic cemetery

Three together

22 Mar 2015 4 396
The first and third graves are Shulmires, children born of the Spanish-American War veteran, whose gravestone is also in this album. The girl (far end) died at age 7 in 1919. The infant boy's year of death is partially covered by snow, but it might be 1916. He likely died at birth, as no name is given. This family suffered unimaginable tragedy. The center grave only says "Baby", who died 1924, so might not be related.

Spanish-American War (1898)

22 Mar 2015 1 2 453
Erwin A. Shulmire, 2nd Oregon Infantry. See the photo labeled "Three together" for more about the Shulmire family. Information about the war: . This is the only Spanish-American war veteran I have seen in a local cemetery. AA257 Keeping history.

Raccoon for company

Army chauffeur

114 items in total