The nightmare begins...

Black and white

The nightmare begins...

01 Jan 2015 5 5 546
AA284 Up there!

Silo with tanks

01 Jan 2015 4 4 646
Abandoned Merrill Grain and Feed.


01 Jan 2015 1 2 696
Abandoned feed and grain depot.

Indian Mission Methodist Church


Yellow cabin

17 Feb 2015 2 648
AA280 February.

Dark house

Shinkansen, Kanagawa Station

06 Nov 2013 4 6 724
The "bullet train" in Tokyo, Japan. So fast, so smooth, so quiet - I loved this train!


04 Nov 2013 5 2 818
Kanagawa Station, Tokyo.


04 Nov 2013 2 552
Kanagawa Station, Tokyo. It comes so fast I almost missed the shot. I was completely enthralled by the Shinkansen!

Kanagawa Station, Tokyo

04 Nov 2013 9 671
Here comes the Shinkansen ("bullet train"), looks like a duck's bill in the distance.

狛犬・胡麻犬 (Kumainu, guardian of the shrine)

07 Nov 2013 1 3 412
Shrines are Shinto, Temples are Buddhist. Traditionally, there is a Kumainu on either side of a temple or shrine building, each in a slightly different pose. This lion-dog figure comes from Chinese Buddhism, which spread to Japan and elsewhere in Asia. In the case of Japan, many elements came via Korea.

Pink umbrella

10 Feb 2015 7 6 1016
AA280 February

258 items in total