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Collages Vol. 2

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17 Feb 2020 2 2 360
AA309 Imagination.


31 Oct 2018 3 5 348
;;;;; Comparison group After all that fiddling around, I think I like the original better.

Blue windows

"Did you say something?"

31 Oct 2018 6 15 515
AA309 Imagination.

Fun with broccoli

Let's relax...

09 Feb 2019 14 20 547
...at Grandma's house.

Mustache with rust

Documenting my expertise in photography

04 Mar 2019 5 14 331
Don't you love it when you mishandle your camera like a crazy person? I have begun to use my phone more as a camera. It's a low-grade smart phone. The problem is, the way I have to hold the phone is also the position that is most convenient for accidentally clicking off a shot. It's also a good way to accidentally flip it to selfie mode, so there are many hideous self-portraits to delete. (Sighhh) The most interesting is when it goes into "Blast" mode. I am determined to stop using my phone as a camera unless I can afford a good one! Which I can't, so...I am trying to remember to put my mediocre real camera in my car more often.

Looking out

19 Mar 2019 6 2 302
More accidents.


ANGEL in the window

19 May 2019 5 6 257
A "junk store."

My brain?

Oil and water again

Fern garden II

67 items in total