Julia Guelmouss' photos

IMG 20161107 090409

IMG 20161026 173746

IMG 20161021 151857

IMG 20161021 151430

The view from my old bedroom window

25 Apr 2016 60
A view into the neighbouring garden that i will miss so much when my dad's house goes.. He always used to say you couldn't pay for a better view...

Dad's Roses

16 Apr 2016 59
I took this on Saturday morning, intending to capture the snow that had fallen..but noticed how the sun's rays were shining down on the rose bushes that I now have from the family home...


IMG 20151031 190251

IMG 20150817 114203

IMG 20150817 113716

IMG 20150808 100200

IMG 20150808 100249

IMG 20150725 130904

IMG 20150725 102318

IMG 20150711 104057

IMG 20150711 100713

IMG 20150705 201619

IMG 20150704 091301

44 items in total

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