Bjørnafjorden sunset.


From my adventures in 2017.

Bjørnafjorden sunset.

The sunset seen from Haljem ferry quay

Bergen railway station

Bergen railway station

02 Nov 2017 2 2 203
Should have brought the wider lens...

"Smaug" in Bergen.

Bicycle mural in Bergen

02 Nov 2017 2 3 192
This was done for the 2017 UCI Road World Championship in Bergen.

Bergen town square.

Clothes for the trees.

02 Nov 2017 3 179
This was done for the 2017 UCI Road World Championship in Bergen. This is the beginning of the crazy hill that the bike riders loved and hated.

Stairs in Bergen

Gamle Hol kirke, former stavechurch.

30 Sep 2017 2 160
Only the right and rounded part of the church is from the original stavechurch. All the staves have been taken out, therefore not a stavechurch anymore.

The flag in Leira.


30 Sep 2017 1 1 128
Lost? Find this and you will find the road to everywhere.

Autumn in Fagernes.

Slettafossen waterfall, river Rauma.

Super bridge across river Stordalselva.

106 items in total