Haukelifjell mountains in late May.

Autumn 2015 to spring 2016

Haukelifjell mountains in late May.

29 May 2016 2 158
This photo concludes the album autumn 2015 to spring 2016. New album coming soon!

Eidsborg stave church.

Notodden, the blues town.

Østbanehallen, Oslo.

The kid and the music.

The barcode project, Oslo.

28 May 2016 191
This 180 panorama show the result of the Barcode project in Oslo: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barcode_Project It also shows the new street Dronning Eufemias gate. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphemia_of_R%C3%BCgen This place in Google streetview: www.google.no/maps/@59.9077164,10.7579685,3a,75y,38.66h,84.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s51FQX34N6M7VX9segtk7GQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

Akrobaten bridge, Oslo.

Akrobaten bridge, Oslo.

Heddal stavechurch.

Heddal stavechurch.

Heddal stavechurch.

Langfoss waterfall, Etne.

Langfoss waterfall, Etne.

The fruit gardens of Hardanger.

15 May 2016 4 196
The Lofthus village by the Hardager fjord.

Old boathouses in Vik i Sogn.

15 May 2016 137
The area in front of them have been filled up in order to make a new road and a harbor.

Moments before breakfast at Tveit camping.

15 May 2016 1 133
...by the Sognefjord.

148 items in total