
on black


13 Feb 2015 22 17 745
Macro Quiz What is this? (resolution on tomorrows pictures text!)


03 Feb 2015 51 18 967
My first try of low key photography. Thanks to Vanderwaterkant for the tips!

Project: TREES, Week 4:Tree Parts: Green Leaves

18 Oct 2014 33 13 732
A picture from last fall. No green leaves can here be found these days ...


20 Jan 2015 16 8 727
Macro quiz number two. Did any of you have any idea what that might be? (Resolution tomorrow) Do you know that? Today was one of those days when you knew already early in the morning, that it will be stressful. All the day caring about the other peoples problems and ... yourself somehow fallen by the wayside.


07 Jan 2015 65 20 1483
Back to work. I have already noticed today how difficult it is to work all day and still make a photo of the day. I had an appointment in the city and had shot an uninteresting photo from the parking garage roof. At home I have edited the depths and here is the picture of the day: Towers of Bonn. (I'm sure goblins and elves live there.)

Color Wheel Project Week 9: # Black

23 Feb 2009 33 14 1042
another old analogue picture. it is fun to find them again

F is for fire and flame

04 Mar 2012 48 15 1591
This candle burnt on the wedding of my friends Johannes and Eva. It was a single one on the candlestick you can see here . "Fire and Flame" (Feuer und Flamme) is a german quote for "being enthusiastic of something". I´m enthusiastic of taking photos and watching photos on ipernity and talking about photos with my friends here.

cross polarization 2

16 Feb 2014 20 6 1026
How to do that? Look here: www.ipernity.com/blog/112400/555529

first Club picture

02 Feb 2014 32 11 1119
I´m a member now. Let´s check out what´s going on.

"Die Mosel im Feuerzauber"

03 Sep 2006 92 32 2894
Fireworks on the last day of the ten-day-long wine-festival in Winningen. Cheers.


14 Nov 2013 54 18 1380
Schönheit als Gegensatz zu Hässlichkeit ist ein abstrakter Begriff, der stark mit allen Aspekten menschlichen Daseins verbunden ist. (Wikipedia) Also ich finde ihn unglaublich schön!


24 Mar 2012 47 14 1668
Auge in Auge mit dem Raubtier.


Sagrada familia


13 Aug 2013 10 3 671
farbenfrohe Uraltkonstruktion in neuem Glanze

47 items in total