Sunday-Challenge No1

Sunday Challenge

Folder: Photoprojects

Sunday-Challenge No1

14 Dec 2014 41 28 1136
Wow, that was really a challenge. My first Sunday Challenge and then such a task. At first I had no idea and I have not found the cable from my Wacom. I have added to the image that we should edit ( some of my snow crystal photographs from the last few years. More creativity was not present for today, because I still have to work and get visitors. I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Sunday-Challenge No2

20 Dec 2014 32 21 984
My second Sunday Challenge. The task was to show one's Christmas. I worked up a second ago and had no opportunity for preparations. But yesterday I was in town at the Christmas market. It was so full that I ran a little through the emptier streets. On the way to my brother, I came upon this beautiful mansion, whose inhabitants had already put up a Christmas tree. I wanted to capture the beautiful cool facade with warm flat inside. I especially like the window images someone (a child?) has tinkered. Unfortunately, I never get it out to photograph architecture, it is always wrong somehow. I will continue to practice next year ... I wish you a Merry Christmas! Meine zweite Sunday-Challenge. Die Aufgabe war, das eigene Weihnachten zu zeigen. Ich habe bis vor einer Sekunde gearbeitet und keinerlei Gelegenheit für Vorbereitungen gehabt. Gestern aber war ich in der Stadt auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt. Der war so voll und unweihnachtlich, dass ich ein wenig durch die leereren Straßen gelaufen bin. Auf dem Weg zu meinem Bruder kam ich an diesem hübschen Haus vorbei, deren Bewohner schon einen Christbaum aufgestellt hatten. Ich wollte die schöne kühle Fassade mit der warmen Wohnung innen festhalten. Besonders mag ich die Fensterbilder, die jemand (ein Kind?) liebevoll gebastelt hat. Leider bekomme ich es nie hin, Architektur gerade zu fotografieren und auch mit Bearbeitung wird es immer irgendwie schief. Das werde ich nächstes Jahr weiter üben ... Ich wünsche euch frohe Festtage!

Sunday Challenge No3

26 Dec 2014 39 24 797
Christmas is for me ... ... coming home an playing Scrabble with Mum (P.S.: Its a mobile phone picture. I am always amazed at how good they are...)


11 Jan 2015 50 30 1126
For my Sunday-Challenge No5 "Tools of the Trade" ... absolutely no camera, camera bits and accessories... Show us what you do, did, used or wanted to do in the way of a 'job'! This is the tool I use constantly. Despite all the technological progress a piece of chalk and a blackboard is still best suited to explain something. When I see your great photos of your tools now, I think my picture is pretty boring ... :-D

Sunday Challenge No6

17 Jan 2015 64 32 1125
A subject that I wanted to photograph a long time. (Article) A toadstool. When I found this beautiful specimen, I had only the mobile phone camera with me and when I came back with the SLR, the fungus was no more so nice. Normally I edit the photos for selective color with Photoshop, but since I had the photo already on the phone, I am using the app "Color Effects". Original is in the Box. As I have just created the album , I noticed how often I've worked with selective color. I would not have thought of that!


23 Jan 2015 55 27 1244
For the Sunday Challenge: "Pick 3 of something, whatever subject you want 3 buttons 3 glasses 3 banana's 3 people 3 snowmen etc. they can be matching or not... it doesn't matter, as long as the item is the same. Now the challenge bit is to have your picture focused on only 1 of your items and do some magic you have learned here, b&w, s/c, manual focus, that sort of thing. So it's like a twofer this week ~ twofer: two for the price of 1" I took 3 volumetric flasks and filled them with colored water. I used the manual focus and (of course) the selective coloring. I know, it is friday, but I will be without internet for one week, because I go skiing with 130 twelve year olds so I´m able to upload my picture today. For my 365 day project I will take pictures every day and post them, when I´m back. Let´s go into the snow ...

Sunday Challenge No8

28 Jan 2015 50 29 906
Take a picture of a stranger. It was a glorious day of skiing. It was a big challenge to me to photograph a stranger. Here I was able to do so, as if the landscape was the subject. What I like about the image is that he just turns around. I did´t process the picture, because I believe that the mountains set the skier well staged. I hope I have become the task.


15 Feb 2015 27 17 660
The Sunday Challenge. The day after Valentine's Day... so lets represent 'the day after' or at the very least you must have pink-red prevalent in your shot! this is a great time to do some abstract stuff... just a hint, not necessary! I wanted to bring in the Valentine's Day, some red and let it work abstract. All the while I take care of a 6 month old baby.


21 Feb 2015 23 20 741
I had not much time this week ,so the photo is a quick tram image from the car. I tried years ago panning before. The result you can see in the box :)


01 Mar 2015 58 33 977
For the Sunday Challenge. trees hows this for easy, after the week of panning and trips to and from Urkville from almost every single one of us! Process however the heck you like or don't like, some of you can have trees with flowers while some of us will have trees with snow. big, small, dead, alive... get right up there and show us your trees. I really don't want to see any type of architecture or street view with a tree way off at the end please. Now I realize some man~made crap will get in the way, that is just life in this world. Get in close(ish) (this is not a macro challenge) and personal and show us those wonderful curvy lines. It was difficult to find a tree without human stuff around!

Sunday Challenge: HDR

23 Dec 2014 43 28 936
I like HDR images if they are not too extreme, and if the processing suited to the scene. I especially like HDR images of abandoned places, automobiles, machinery, street art and similar things. I have decided for today's Sunday Challenge for an older image, in which the HDR processing is very strong. I can understand that for someone this processing is too crass. It shows an old abandoned laundry near Bonn. Original is in the box.


22 Mar 2015 27 24 723
Since my godson's birthday today, I went to my hometown. There are many beautiful old houses with beautiful doors. The theme of today's Sunday Challenge. But I am unhappy with it, just getting the lines. I need to practice more.I tried to put the picture straight and I have reduced saturation.


29 Mar 2015 54 29 1058
In a village near my hometown there is high up on a mountain a beautiful little chapel with these charming windows.


05 Apr 2015 60 50 1171
too many? for the sunday challenge: "looking down"

#ComicStyle #SundayChallenge #Selfie

12 Apr 2015 20 18 601
I used the Comic Book App on the iphone. Had a lot of fun!


19 Apr 2015 55 33 904
Today, it was not difficult to take a photo, but to opt for one. The theme of the Sunday Challenge is against the light. I'm gone off very early in the morning because I had an appointment later. It had been cold at night and in the Heath was a particularly nice mood. Ultimately, I decided for a photo with the new wide angle lens.


26 Apr 2015 54 37 832
Sunday Challenge: What´s left (Actually, I wanted a banana peel. But I was shopping too late yesterday and there was no more bananas.)


03 May 2015 62 38 1009
Yesterday I sat on the river for a while , collecting pebbles. (TSC: high key)

262 items in total