R is for rainbow clouds


R is for rainbow clouds

16 Oct 2012 76 20 1593
It was on vacation in Tuscany. We were sitting on a staircase and enjoyed the sun as my friend suddenly said: "Look at the clouds!" They were ... colorful. I quickly grabbed the camera (which is on holiday so thank God always with me) and shot many many photos. After a few minutes the clouds were white again. I was completely intrigued and researched at home what this phenomenon was. It must have to do with small ice crystals in the clouds. Obviously, this phenomenon rarely observed and then in more northern areas. After that I saw one or two times rainbow clouds in Germany, but never in such an extreme way.

Q is for quiet

21 Apr 2011 117 25 2476
In Iceland, there was an incredible amount of it. QUIET. The photo was taken in the West Fjords. There it is breathtakingly beautiful and stunningly quiet. You drive by rental car along a fjord, after that comes a fjord, followed by a fjord and then ... a fjord. Only sometimes you pass a lonely house or another car. When I look at the picture I would like to jump in and feel the peace there again. Far away from stress.

O ist for old

18 Apr 2014 61 20 1917
I love the Art Nouveau style. Whenever I'm in Berlin to visit my aunt, I admire the old staircase. This time I finally took a picture. I processed it as HDR, because in the normal exposure, the beauty somehow did not come to bear. Do you think it needs a black frame?

Clouds in a frogs eye

11 May 2014 95 23 2460
It was a sunny and warm day and the frogs in the pond were croaking. I cropped this picture because I couldn´t get closer without wet feet. Furthermore I put a texture on the picture and a frame, but the reflected clouds in the frogs eye are real. BEAUTIFUL LIFE!

N is for Newborn Nap

23 May 2010 91 25 2285
This is my irish friends daughter at the age of two weeks. She was SO tiny and delicate. I could sit hours next to her only watching her sleep. It is so peaceful to look at a baby don´t you think? No one has hurt it yet.

M is for Mallard

26 Aug 2008 51 19 1784
During my training I have lived some time in Aachen. My apartment there was very close to the zoo, so I've always made ​​my evening walks (thanks to an annual pass) by the zoo. The Mallards became good friends of mine. I really miss the proximity to the zoo.

L is for luggage

18 Apr 2014 104 24 2451
"Ich hab noch einen Koffer in Berlin" (I still have a suitcase in Berlin) is a song from Marlene Dietrich. This suitcases are stacked in the German Museum of Technology in Berlin at the section with the big old steam locomotives. I processed them in HDR and put a simple black frame around them.

K is for Korea

21 Apr 2014 102 36 2242
Dear Friends, I´m back from Berlin now and it is time for the next letter. As I thought about words with the letter K I found many german words. If you translate them in English ... they are words with the letter C. (Katze/Cat, Kuchen/Cake ...) So my K is another older picture from South Korea. It was taken in a Temple in the City Seoul. One thing is new: It is my first try with a texture :-) Happy Easter to you!

J is for Jewelery

09 Oct 2010 98 28 1990
Wirklich reich ist, wer mehr Träume in seiner Seele hat, als die Realität zerstören kann. (Hans Kruppa) "He who is really rich has more dreams in his soul than reality can destroy" (Hans Kruppa) Many thanks to phil anker for translating

I is for Itsy Bitsy Spider

25 Sep 2013 46 27 1605
This yellow crab spider was sitting so pretty on the blue flower. When I looked up at home to what it was for a spider, I was amazed: This spider can change color "at will". If you want to learn more about it, look here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misumena_vatia

H is for Hummingbird

23 Feb 2004 62 19 1847
This image not only looks as if it was old. It is old. I took this ten years ago in Brazil. I was so fascinated by hummingbirds, but only had a small compact camera with me. It was impossible to catch one in flight. For this photo I climbed on a tree. Unfortunately, I did not notice (until too late) that it was full of Brazilian ants ... Guys, I am always full of admiration for your hummingbird photos. Be happy that you have these birds, here they do not exist unfortunately.

G is for green eyes

22 Mar 2014 106 32 3872
My godchild had his 7th birthday last week and I really enjoyed the day. Whenever a lot is going on in the house tomcat Tonic lies down in the middle between. Even the raging children do not disturb him :-D

F is for fire and flame

04 Mar 2012 48 15 1591
This candle burnt on the wedding of my friends Johannes and Eva. It was a single one on the candlestick you can see here . "Fire and Flame" (Feuer und Flamme) is a german quote for "being enthusiastic of something". I´m enthusiastic of taking photos and watching photos on ipernity and talking about photos with my friends here.


28 Apr 2010 64 24 1428
A frog for my friend Janet who posted a really fabulous froggy for the letter F. Enjoy here.

E is for Early

14 Mar 2014 178 46 5194
One week ago I stopped on my way to work beside the street and watched this beautiful sunrise behind the morning mist. In front of my car a few rabbits crossed the field. What a wonderful morning!

D is for Dazzling Droplet (II)

09 Mar 2014 62 21 1574
It makes so much fun to make the A-Z project together with Janet . This time we had the same idea for D ... The vines are ready to cast out. The reflection in the drops are also vines.

☘☘Happy St. Patricks Day!☘☘

17 Jul 2007 14 4 1063
Seen in the Guinness Store House in Dublin.

C is for conspicuous Chrissy

15 Jul 2009 41 21 1706
In the South Korean subway.

613 items in total