

Folder: Around the world


a place to be.

Guten Morgen!

home on the river

what´s around the corner?


25 Oct 2013 52 15 2107
Am Schieferhang im Moseltal wo Nord und Süd sich einen, erweckt der Sonne sanfter Strahl Bouquet in Rieslingweinen


08 Nov 2013 67 20 1892
Every day I drive past here. Every day I think that I need to take a picture. Yesterday I did it and edited it in HDR. I hope you like it.

Obere Burg Kuchenheim


09 Nov 2013 46 21 1523
HDR is new to me and I have found pleasure in it. So today three new HDR images. In the first picture Castle Drachenburg is seen. (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schloss_Drachenburg) The second picture is much less romantic, as you will see. The third picture shows the upper castle in Kuchenheim. (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obere_Burg_ (Kuchenheim)) ENJOY :-)


04 Apr 2009 6 5 712
no lion locked

found in the Rheingau area

Poppelsdorfer Schloss

27 Dec 2013 49 11 1102
A day of rest. A walk through my beloved Botanic Garden. Three images: 1 The Castle Poppelsdorf 2 A small mushroom in the Rainforest House 3 The attempt of a drop photo

Happy New Year 。◕‿◕。

Schloss Falkenlust

06 Jan 2014 100 22 3288
"Falkenlust, a small summer residence and huntinglodge, was built (...) in a relatively short time (1729–37). It is one of the most intimate and exquisite creations of the German rococo era." www.germany.travel/en/towns-cities-culture/unesco-world-heritage/bruehl-castles-of-augustusburg-and-falkenlust.html I want to sit and read in the room with the chandelier :-)


08 Apr 2006 32 9 1340
Wird einer früh vom Tod betroffen, heißt´s gleich, der hat sich tot gesoffen. Ist´s einer von den guten Alten,heißt´s gleich: Den hat der Wein erhalten. (Verf. unbekannt)

Heisterbach Abbey

197 items in total